[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zW5wCbt.png[/img][/center] Faith and Sammy enjoyed their snowball fight, but all good things must come to an end. Nuncio eventually arrived with a car. Faith sat in the back seat by herself, while Sammy sat up front with Nuncio [b]”You dames have a lotta fun?“[/b] Sammy was dumping snow out of her hat and onto the floor. [b]”I can’t deduce how they were able to hit me. I had every advantage and my logic was sound. I suppose that’s two mysteries I didn’t solve in Penrose.“[/b] [b]”It was nice to see them one last time before we left.“[/b] Faith said, not sounding at all happy about it. [b]”I notice that you’re sad though.“[/b] Sammy looked over her seat. [b]”My next case will be to find where your happiness has run off to.“[/b] Faith waved at her friend. [b]”Oh-ho~! It’s right here, it’s just, well, resting a bit.“[/b] [b]”I work 24-7, and I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if your happiness isn’t working as hard as my deduction skills are.“[/b] While the two had a friendly exchange, Nuncio was alone with his thoughts. He had been a Mint agent for a long time, and it was likely that they wouldn’t forgive him so easily for this. But Nuncio didn’t feel like that was his fault. Al was the one who refused to let him see Sammy. Al was the one who put Viper in charge of getting information out of someone who gladly would have told Nuncio anything. Even if Nuncio was in the right, the Mint had a reputation to uphold. He would have to have one eye looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life. Faith and Sammy weren’t safe either, at least as long as Nuncio was alive. But the magical girl business wasn’t an easy one to get out of. It wasn’t like killing himself was going to fix the problem for everyone. They’d still try to do something with his friends. Their future was uncertain, but there’s just one thing Nuncio had to do moving forward. He had to tell the truth. Not just moving forward. Sammy and Faith needed to know what he was. It was the best way to prepare them for the new life they were going to lead. Not now though. Once they got further north, he’d tell them everything. How he was a mint agent, and how he was changing, and how they were all targets. It was going to be hard, but he was also looking forward to getting it all off of his chest. At the very least, Sammy would understand Nuncio didn’t go missing to fool around with girls. That had to be a good thing. Right? [h3][right][i]The Escapees ~ Fin[/i][/right][/h3] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/COlSgMa.png[/img][/center] The end of another chapter. Su had been around for a very long time. Or at least, her memories had been. Regardless, she had at least fifty years on most of the magical girls in Penrose. When she was younger, it seemed like the weeks lasted forever. Now the few months she spent in penrose flew by like they happened just yesterday. But what an eventful time that had been. She followed Boteg and Amber into Penrose. In those few months, she had lost Amber, gained Helga, slew many monsters and discovered the presence of more golden dragons. All exciting developments that turned Su from a flighty bird into a strong woman. Her contributions to Penrose were small overall, but she contributed nonetheless. The only regret she had was leaving her promise to Mariette unfulfilled. Su would have loved to take Mariette into her arms and show her what real parents were like. But Su realised that it was a selfish wish. She always wanted to be a mother, and Mariette seemed like someone who could use one. But Mariette was still figuring herself out, and Su got to be a mom for Mika. It was a feeling she wanted to experience longer, but that was what motherhood was. While Su would never consider Mika anything but her daughter, children grow into adults and require less supervision from their parents. There also comes a point where a parental guardian can inhibit growth, and she didn't want to do that to Mika. Even if it wasn’t everything Su wanted to do, she could hold her head up when she left Penrose. [color=PeachPuff]”That was lucky.”[/color] The day Su planned on leaving, she was approached by a magical girl that was interested in running the hotel in her absence. It wasn’t really worth anything, given how far real estate in Penrose had plummeted. But it was nice to have a prospective magical girl willing to run things for her. She really didn’t want her clients to become ensigns in Penny’s personal army, or worse, mint agents. Time would tell if this was the right move or not. Boteg had taken his true form. A massive golden dragon with wings longer than some buildings are tall. Su and Helga had climbed onto the great creature, who flew into the night sky. That night they left their woes and regrets in penrose, and soared to a brighter future in the north. [h3][right][i]Boteg’s Scares ~ Fin[/i][/right][/h3] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VaLX1Hh.png[/img] [h1]C R A D L E[/h1][/center] Tetrad, Trixy, and Veronica were at the edge of Penrose when they stopped walking. [color=CCBFFF]”Is something wrong, Veronica?”[/color] Trixy looked to her former employer. Veronica was silent for a time. [color=#bd71e8]”No.”[/color] She fret her brow. [color=#bd71e8]”I’m just surprised at how quickly Maura has become, how shall we say, comfortable using my powers.”[/color] She looked at Tetrad. [color=#bd71e8]”You’re all squared away?”[/color] [color=75c159]”Of course!”[/color] Tetrad winked. [color=75c159]”Found someone who was able to take care of everything on Glimmr. She’s a friend of Emily’s so that was cool. Did you make out alright, Trixy?”[/color] [color=CCBFFF]”Yea!”[/color] Trixy grinned. [color=CCBFFF]”I got to talk with the magical girl back when I was a famil-”[/color] [color=#bd71e8]”We can continue this conversation in coms if need be.”[/color] With a groan, Veronica placed a hand on her head. Tetrad walked up behind her. [color=75c159]”Hey, are you okay?”[/color] [color=#bd71e8]”Just a migraine.”[/color] Veronica continued to walk. [color=#bd71e8]”We won’t see Penrose again for a very long time. It’s possible we will never return. Are you fine with that?”[/color] [color=75c159]”Yea.”[/color] Tetrad shrugged. [color=75c159]”I never got to do anything with Samantha, but I still feel like I did okay. I can’t wait to see Elvira at the outpost base!”[/color] [color=CCBFFF]”I only regret that Samantha and I couldn’t leave together. But I’ll manage.”[/color] She took a step closer to Veronica [color=CCBFFF]”How about you?”[/color] [color=#bd71e8]”I don’t know, really. I suppose I would have enjoyed a final confrontation with Justine, I would have found some catharsis before crushing her skull between my fingers. I can practically see the whites in her eyes expanding as my thumbs plunge into her irises, and the blood runs down her face like candle wax. All sensations dulled by pain, her ears deafened by her own screams, and her world eternally devoured by darkness. ”[/color] The corners of her lips were starting to curl into a smile, but then she straightened out her face. [color=#bd71e8]”The present outcome was not to my taste. The fates conspired against me these past few weeks.”[/color] Once they cleared Penrose, Tetrad looked to Veronica. [color=75c159]”So what are we doing now? If we’re going to be gone for a while, we’re doing more than just getting you surgery.”[/color] [color=#bd71e8]”Yes, I may have to start working on a new squadron. We’ll patrol the area around Penrose. It’s hardly the only place where things this bad crop up.”[/color] Veronica pulled Trixy and Tetrad under her arms before smiling. [color=#bd71e8]”How does the title Garnet Gemini grab you?”[/color] And then they sunk into the depths of their shadows. [h3][right][i]The Old Gang ~ Fin[/i][/right][/h3] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Da3tYUa.png[/img] [color=tomato]"All my friends are gone."[/color] [color=888888]— Oros[/color] [/center] Oros sat behind Boteg’s desk, running her fingers across the smooth mahogany surface. She didn’t really have a need for a hotel, but the place had carved its way into her cold, dead heart. Even if it wasn’t this world’s Boteg, Helga, or Su that she remembered, it was just as effective at stirring those old memories. [color=tomato]"Raugh!"[/color] She placed her hands on the sides of her head. [color=tomato]"I’m running out of time!"[/color] She was, too. The end of the season wasn’t too far away now. Maybe one more event before the entire thing came to a close. That was probably when the end of the world was going to happen. She needed to do something before that came to pass. Not only had she failed to get in touch with the Mint, but she was wasting her time here, reminiscing about moments that had long passed. It wasn’t all bad though.She had encountered Tetrad and managed to get some sweet sweet intel that might help her get what she wanted. Only time would tell if that actually played out into anything. [b]”Excuse me, miss!”[/b] One of the maids entered the office. [b]”Are you ready for the next interview.”[/b] While it might seem like easy work just [i]owning[/i] a hotel, The fact of the matter was that not only had the owner left, but his two best managers. Oros was perfectly capable of collecting money, but she’d need some people who could manage things for her. The employees were lost without someone to guide them. Oros composed herself before responding. [color=tomato]"How many people are left to interview?"[/color] [b]”Well, um!”[/b] She looked out the door. [b]”All of them. Pretty much every employee and guest wants to be a manager. Some of them are having trouble making ends meet, so a new job is a great thing for them.”[/b] [color=tomato]"I’ve interviewed twenty people, ma’am."[/color] Oros stood up. [color=tomato]"Half of them just wanted to flirt with me, the other half had no charisma whatsoever, and all of them were a waste of time."[/color] [b]”I’m sorry ma’am..”[/b] [color=tomato]"We need a way to screen them."[/color] Oros poked the table firmly. [color=tomato]"I want two managers. I’m looking for confident, independent people, you know? The type of people who command respect when you see them. I’m not looking for a stone faced god, but someone normal. Preferably someone who doesn’t have a bunch of mental mutations. They need to look nice,and that means clean. If I see one more bitch in a bikini I’m going to scream. No piercings, no tattoos, you know how Su ran things."[/color] [b]”That’s rather strict.”[/b] [color=tomato]"Well I only want two, so there had better be at least that many out there who match tha.."[/color] [b]”Alright I got it. So no one gets an interview unless they look clean, friendly, and dependable.”[/b] She turned to leave. [b]”No exceptions at all?”[/b] Oros sighed. She didn’t really care if the hotel did well or not. Any moment and the calamity would start. But if she was going to hire people, might as well make them people she could tolerate being around. [color=tomato]"If there happens to be any cute, innocent looking types, I’ll give them a look over. You know the type, submissive or naive. Not a mean bone in their body. I don’t care if they’re a boy or a girl, but I’d prefer something with a small chest, okay?"[/color] [b]”I think I can work with that.”[/b] [color=tomato]"Thank. Jebus."[/color] The maid departed for a bit. Usually she came right back, but this time it was a full five minutes before she returned. [b]”We have the next one.”[/b] [color=tomato]"Alright, send her in."[/color] [hider=Drum roll, please!] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Msjfqoy.png[/img] [color=e3bbc6]"Bout frickin’ time I became a PC!"[/color] [color=888888]— Aria[/color] [/center] The person who walked in was not someone who was a stranger to Oros. [color=tomato]"Aria!? Don’t you work in the overcity?."[/color] [color=e3bbc6]"I was just in town, had to say goodbye to my familiar before they departed Penrose for good."[/color] She stepped closer to Oros’s desk with a smile plastered on her face. [color=e3bbc6]”Seeing the Golden Trove under new management piqued my interest. And it turns out you’re the one running things."[/color] Oros sat up a bit straighter. [color=tomato]"Well, I don’t think you really need an interview. If you’re serious about becoming a manager here, you just need to understand you can’t do artificing stuff in the overcity. This job commands a lot of attention. Things beyond hotel work."[/color] [color=e3bbc6]"I met this woman with a fluffy tail, and ever since then I’ve been a bit distracted. Seeing an old friend leave Penrose made me realize I’d never see what the world had to offer from inside my shop. I don’t think I’d like to travel, but I can let the travelers come to me. So I’ve decided to become a manager here."[/color] She looked around herself. [color=e3bbc6]"Things have changed a lot, but it feels good to be back in Penrose. I can always artifice as a side hustle."[/color] [color=tomato]"Alright then, you’re hired!"[/color] Not long after that. The maid returned. [b]”I have searched everyone, and there’s just one person left who fits most of your criteria. They’re a pretty good fit for your exceptions however.”[/b] Oros groaned. [color=tomato]"Well, send them in!"[/color] The maid quickly departed, and in came... [hider=Drum roll, please!] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LooYqyE.png[/img] [color=baddab]”I said I’d be back!”[/color] [color=888888]— Binky[/color] [/center] [color=tomato]"Binky!?"[/color] [color=e3bbc6]"Ara ara..."[/color] Aria’s lips curled into a smile. Oros sighed. [color=tomato]"I’ll be dipped in dog shit. She’s no Emily, but I’ll be damned if I’m not putting her on the payroll!"[/color] [color=baddab]”You’re not going to interview me?”[/color] [color=tomato]"Hell naw!"[/color] Oros gave her a thumbs up. [color=tomato]"I know you’re a hard worker, and you’re so damn cute I can’t let you go anyway! Besides, my other manager has all the business savvy I’ll ever need. You’d get along with her just fine I’m sure."[/color] [color=e3bbc6]"I’m a bit more than that to Binky, I’m her former teacher."[/color] Aria gave the newly arrived a nod. [color=e3bbc6]"But coin magic? I never thought you’d ever actually do it! Well done!"[/color] Binky looked away. [color=baddab]”It’s not that impressive. And I don’t think it had the positive change on the world that I had hoped it would bring.”[/color] [color=e3bbc6]"Regardless of how impressive the skill is, you did quite a bit with it. The red coins have positively influenced many lives, and I understand you helped construct the white coin? That’s a truly wonderful creation that can only make the world better."[/color] [color=tomato]"Cept the whole becoming a beacon slut bit. Miss me with that shit."[/color] Oros looked between his two managers. [color=tomato]"Hmmm, the roster is looking really light right now. We need a party of three, so Aria here can be a party member, and Binky… Can hold up the fort.."[/color] Oros grinned. [color=baddab]”If you’re doing anything dangerous, I’d just as soon stay here anyway.”[/color] She sighed. [color=baddab]”But who’s your final member going to be for your ‘party’?”[/color] [color=tomato]"You don’t start an RPG with all the characters, ya gotta go out and recruit them."[/color] Oros’s grin widened. [color=tomato]”I was thinking of… Biohazard."[/color] Binky blinked. [color=baddab]”...W-what?”[/color] [/hider][/hider]