[color=6ecff6]"Yeah... just struck like a minute or so ago... I could hear the cold currents howling in the metro tunnels."[/color] She replied, looking at hte door that was the only thing stopping them from flash freezing to death. The door was being covered with frost same with the walls around it and it was slowly spreading deeper into the room as the head was being sucked out rapidly.[color=6ecff6]" It's lucky actually... had we been anywhere else, we would have been gonners before we had tiem to react. Worst pat about cold waves is that they arrive without warning and nobody can be sure what cuases them cause nobody survives seeing what happens on the surface when one hits."[/color] She told him with a smile.[color=6ecff6]" Though now I wonder how hte crabs and every other mutant on the surface survives the flash freeze by the cold wave... Think they've evolved or something?" [/color]she asked. [color=6ecff6]"Well in either case, it's not like we can carry too much wood anyways, wood's heavy and would hinder and tire us in the long run if we jsut carry a bunch of it without an end goal and place to store it."[/color] She pointed out in helpful manner. Sure they could use some wood for later, maybe make torches or just to have another campfire, however it was indeed hindering and heavy. There was a reason people usually started collecting bigger amounts of firewood after htey had a shelter to store it in the longterm. [color=6ecff6]"You know, my former home never dealt much with Cold Waves even in the few rare occasions they did happen. We were too tightly locked up, heavy gates and walls would block hte way and we had more than enough heating for the most part, plus we had no direct close access to the surface. We are very close to the surface and given we are right by a metro entrance, it might be the reason because Cold Waves originate on the surface. THe deeper we and furhter than the surface we go, the better it would be and less likely to affect us as much." [/color] She said and moved in closer to the fire, warming herself by it."[color=6ecff6] On the plus side, we don't need to worry about anybody making it inside right now with that cold outside. Even if the mutants survive it, I doubt htey are much active during a cold wave. I will rig a makeshoft alarm on the gate with a bit of the materials around like those empty cans so if the door is opened it they would fall and alert us. So let's rest well tonight and in the morning we can make the final treck to that Underhaven place."[/color]