[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/n83XcHK/Webp-net-resizeimage.png[/img][img]https://i.ibb.co/hfTsc9h/Alexander-Jakobsen-500x400.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][color=2d5eb9][b]Location:[/b][/color] Barton Homestead [color=F3E010][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr] [color=2d5eb9]"It's not active,"[/color] Jakobsen said to Matt with a slight shrug, [color=2d5eb9]"And before you ask no didn't have her tested for it, but I do know she has it and I'm not going to explain how I know. The sensors at the White House are pretty sensitive even though it isn't really active, yet but odds are it will be when she's older."[/color] That was about all he was going to say about it, at the moment they had to focus more on the situation at hand, that being that they had to deal with the Skrull problem still. Which was a major sort of problem that was threatening the world still. Of course, a part of him did wonder if Jade figured out that something was off about the Skrull that had replaced him. That was a bit of a comforting thought, at least he thought it was comforting. Then that would mean a whole other slew of issues. He looked over at Cass when she asked how Jade and Alcie were doing, [color=2d5eb9]"As far as I know, alright last I saw them, not sure right now or anything like that..."[/color] Currently he had no idea where they were or if they were okay, he was hoping for the best, but was mentally going through the worst in his mind. [color=F3E010]"Who said I was going to be working this or whatever [i]alone?[/i]"[/color] she asked, raising a bit of an eyebrow at the guy. Yup, he definitely seemed like a big idiot in her mind. Since if he paid any attention at all, he'd know that obviously Niah was going to be sticking with her, [color=F3E010]"At the very least Niah can help me, so you can go off and play with cats, have fun with that,"[/color] she added with an eye roll now. The guy was an idiot, he didn't pay any attention to anyone except for himself. She didn't bother correcting him with her nickname that typically her friends were the only ones who called her that, and everyone on the team (aside from him) were her friends. Now Sparky glanced over to look at the others, [color=F3E010]"It will just take me a while, but once the thing is designed shouldn't be too hard to actually assemble it and ensure that it works... Now for the other thing, might I suggest that Cass and [i]maybe[/i] Bonnie both stay behind so that I can see about outfitting Cass with a robotic eye so that at the very least she can maybe see..."[/color] Yeah, she was not wanting Kwassi anywhere near her, which was part of the reason she wanted Bonnie to stay behind. Plus she figured that Bonnie might want to stay behind and keep an eye on Niah. Goose meanwhile had been just sitting there purring like crazy, but now it seemed like he might be getting annoyed with the group with referring to them wanting to get other Flerkens/Cats. In response to this, he jumped up onto the table and started knocking things over. As in he would specifically look at people, before knocking over cups and other things clearly on purpose. [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/5k4KnzD/Webp-net-resizeimage-1.png[/img][hr][hr][color=639A5E][b]Location:[/b][/color] Skrull Ship [color=639A5E][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[hr][/center] [color=639A5E]"Just saying it had already been stated that the Empress wasn't anywhere near this ship,"[/color] Flynn said with a bit of a shrug with response to Maria. Not his fault that some people didn't pay attention to everything that was really spoken to them. Of course, he paid attention to what was said to him, now, whether or not he actually did what he was told to with that information was a whole other story. Authority for the most part was not something he cared for when it came to things that he firmly believed in. If the person in charge chose to do something against what he thought, he definitely was either going to say something or just flat out not listen to the orders given. However currently that wasn't something he was thinking, not really, since currently everyone he was with all had the same goal in mind and the same sort mindset really. He listened to what Hope was saying, and was starting to understand the sort of plan that she was going with. [color=639A5E]"Well we'd have to come up with a good reason for this Criti Noll to be talking to the other Skrulls. Plus we'd have to ensure that the real Criti Noll doesn't interrupt us, so we'd need to ensure that we deal with her first and foremost before any other person. Just knock her out or something and lock her in a cell. Just to ensure that she doesn't get in our way for this plan to work."[/color]