Clara Clara smiled as Blue went grabbed her leg but before he could get a hold of it and send his lighting into it she sung her free hand at her leg sending out a magic blade to cut her leg off as Clara span in the air again to readjust for her landing she cast a simply healing spell on her to regrow a new leg as she looked back to sky as she flew back into the air “You said you where the better choice to wield Ahrah even going as far as to brag about your training while belittling Blue for a his lack of training yet one of the main reasons warriors train is to hone their reflexes and to master their techniques so throughly that their body’s can move on their own without even thinking of needed yet you couldn’t react fast enough to stop my punch even though you had plenty of time given my glare and the fact I attack Blue first yet he didn’t hesitate for a second and because of that he managed to not only block my attack but counter it while you where barley able to block because you hesitated so how are you button suited to protecting Ahrah and even if we ignore this little demonstration Ahrah is the legendary sword of knowledge and magic he knows all and he chose Blue deeming him the most worthy out of not only everyone here but the whole world are you really trying to imply you know more then Ahrah? How arrogant can possibly you be?” Pixie looked around until she saw Clara. She flew over to her now seeing her demon horns. "Clara, I have a quick question for you. Where exactly are you from? Who were your parents? I don't think Kat has ever mentioned you." She stared at Clara, waiting for her reply. Clara Clara turned to Pixie surprised at her questions and confused as to why she came back out of her room so suddenly to ask them Clara knew she couldn't discuss this openly nor could she even answer those questions to honestly "you should go back to bed and get some rest we can talk later" 'Pixie the Demon code pervents me from answering some questions at this time but what i can say is you nor any of your people have heard of my parents before and i was raised in hell as i am half demon although i am no enemy of thr nimbats as Red Dawn said i am a friend' Pixie listened to Clara then gave a slow nod. She started to fly away but quickly stopped. She turned around and asked one last question. "Clara, have we ever been enemies? Have you ever sworn to stop me?" She stared at Clara one last time waiting her answer. Clara Clara looked at Pixie with even more confusion wondering why she’s asking these questions all of a sudden Clara thought for a moment about how exactly she worded her question before answering ‘No I have never been your enemy I have never sworn to stop you like I said before o am no threat to the nimbats” Clara then sent a telepathic message to Grace Foxy Frost and Kinoa "something is off with Pixie she is acting strange and asking questions about things she shouldn't even be aware of the timline is in flux and even more changes are coming i'm not sure what or how this will effect the future yet'