[center][h1][color=c4df9b]Uwné[/color][/h1][/center] Civilization in its crudest form was starting to flourish around Uwné’s anvil. From the hill, he could overlook the people. His people? They certainly looked up at him. They were busy raising more shelter against the harsher winds. Others were busy cooking the tough flesh of the slaughtered drakes together with some of the red tubers they had found along the river. Others were busy skinning the drakes or removing their teeth and other valuable items. Uwné was delighted to see humans take up some tanning knives themselves as they started cleaning the skins. On the side some warriors – he really shouldn’t be calling them that – were busy going through some rough exercises. Caine led them. Caine. It was a name Uwné had heard frequently now. They said he fought with suspicious skill. Some distrusted him. Still, he was one of the first to take up the armor and weapons Uwné offered and was one of the few of those now that still lived. “The land is slowly healing.” A voice said. It was one of the golems, though not one of the less self-aware ones. A small group of them were made by Uwné to be more than just heavy lifters. He needed to know what happened around the world but travel was difficult. Even without his limp. He couldn’t just abandon these people here and now. [color=c4df9b]“Not fast enough.”[/color] Uwné said as he looked out at the river. Its beautiful, blue water flowed across the land and had brought spots of green. Sadly, all that water ended up wasted as it fell off the edge. Gone forever. The world needed more of it. More water for life to cling to. Sadly there was nothing over the edge to catch it. No support. No bottom. Nothing. What if the water just clung to the sides of the world. Like a child unwilling to let go of its mother? Not supported but… suspended. Uwné shook his head. One would have to rewrite the laws of nature to do that and while he knew he was a powerful creator god, surely he was not that powerful. Sure not. Though perhaps he did not have to write it completely. Maybe he would just have to… tinker with it a little bit. Driven but curiosity he tapped the Anvil twice. Its simple stone form began to shift into that of a plinth. Stone moved like it was liquid to form a frame of some sort of large device. It was made of pullies and beams and when it was done forming it stood empty for a second. Though it looked like it would hold something. Moments later thin, rainbow-colored glowing strands began to form along beams and through combs. Weaving themselves into a taut stretched, fantastical-looking fabric in front of Uwné. Very carefully he let his hand run over the fabric, though he didn’t dare to touch it. A needle materialized in his other hand which sat empty for a moment as well, until a strand of sapphire blue formed in its eye. Focusing himself with a slow exhale, Uwné searched for the right spot in the fabric. One wrong jab and he could imperil the world. Or he could have caused a bit of wind. After very careful consideration he slowly moved his needle through a small hole in the fabric and looped it around forming a small knot. The water of the river stopped falling down. Instead, it started to gather at the mouth of the river. The pressure of the flow pushed the mass of water further. The god smiled. He was successful. What he saw before him would happen across the world. River water would start to gather at the edge of the void-coast instead of wastefully falling away. Creating a ring of blue around the world. Then the earth beneath him rumbled in a way it hadn’t for some time now. From the underworld, rocks began to move upwards and sideways. As if they tried to push through the land and failing that, began to roll upwards towards the coast. The coastlands began to fray at places. Cracking and shuddering free as water filled their wedges. Which only pulled them further away. Some of the land floated upon the water through some strangely altered law of nature. Other’s sank beneath the waves. Uwné panicked. The world was coming undone! He had done too little too recklessly. Quickly he started running his hand over the fabric again. From a mortal’s standpoint, it would look as if the world was collapsing in places again. People screamed behind him. Fearing once more in their life. Others across the world probably screamed again as well. Though it wasn’t so bad. Not yet. Everything could be saved. If only he worked fast enough. His thread began to shift color from sapphire to emerald, with hints of ruby and diamond and some sapphire still. There! He found it. His error. He looped his needle through the fabric, again and again. And then one more time… The rumbling stopped. Some land around the world had probably come loose and now floated into the water. Others would form archipelagos as they were nearly ripped away from the main continent. The frayed land that had sunk, as well as the ground that had come from the underworld, remained suspended in the water. Uwné slumped down to the ground as he quickly tapped the loom twice more, revering its shape into an Anvil again. [color=c4df9b]“Never let me do that again.”[/color] He ordered one of the smarter golems. Which just gave a small nod of understanding. And while he uttered those words perhaps on impulse, he knew that the Golem would now use all its power to stop him if he even thought about remaking that loom. Not that it would matter much if he really wanted though. Meanwhile more water – more peacefully again – kept gathering around what was once mere voidcoast. The same would be happening across the world now. At least most of the water would be saved now. Though Uwné had not accounted for the underworld. Where water found its way through the maze of tunnels and underground waterfalls. Eventually, the water was released from the strange ringed grip Uwné had forced upon it and fell down into the void below regardless. [hider=Summary]Uwné looks over the burgeoning civilization when a Golem reports that the land keeps healing. But not fast enough for Uwné’s liking. He thinks the world would be better off if the water didn’t just fall over the edge but instead clung to the sides of the world. Though that would require rewriting some fundamentals of the world. Curiosity drives him to at least try and tinker with it a little. So he does. For a moment it seems to work, until the world shudders again and some of the lands starts tearing themselves apart. The god quickly rectifies his mistake (though not before at least some land was loosened).[/hider] [Hider=MA Summary]0 MA (reduced from 1) – to create the Bound Ocean[/hider]