A world where supernatural beings and humans, some super try to live in harmony, but it not easy for every non-human. Even in this modern world, some supernatural beings are still hiding from it. Can humans deal with the strange sights they might see and can the non-humans deal with everyday society? Your character's story is whatever you want it to be. [hr] [hider=Rules] 1. No godmodding whatsoever. 2. Be nice to all my rpers and me in the OOC. (You can have a mean character, however). 3. Always Accepting!!! 4. Have as many characters as you can handle. 5. No OOC fights (If there is a problem, DM/PM me or a Co-GM. 6. Please use the CS I provided below. 7. Apply in the Character Tab. 8. Don't take whatever a character says or does seriously. 9.Keep romance at PG-13 or lower. (Otherwise, take it to PM or DM). 10. Keep swearing to a minimum. 11. Never forget to just have fun. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Places to start off at or go to.] Park Forest Town (obviously) Sanctuary for everyone (will be under construction in the beginning of the IC whenever I decide to make it). Maybe your own house? Feel free to suggest any location you would find in a town. [/hider]