[hider=Edgar Wright] [quote] [center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/deutsch-gothic-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210419/6a9f450f449cc858c0e011b8a230c070.png[/img][/url] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/213a184f-1cf9-45d7-a615-843b98b3ff7f.jpg[/img] [sub][i]"For every false flag and dead end case there's a real one lurking just around the corner. That's when I get called."[/i][/sub] [/center] [hr][hr] - [b]Age:[/b] 43. - [b]Abilities:[/b] Regeneration, Healing Touch, Unsettling Presence, True Sight, and Psychometry. - [b]Affiliation:[/b] Mankind and the forces of good. - [b]Purpose:[/b] Ensure the forces of evil and general paranormal threats do not endanger the Earth. Additionally, identify and resolve instances of true supernatural activity. - [b][u]Equipment of Choice[/u][/b] [list] [*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d0/64/e5/d064e56cd1009cfce4d7c597dacb0225.jpg][b]Der Freischütz:[/b][/url] A long barreled six-shot revolver whose line of makers can be traced all the way back to the middle ages. While appearing like any other firearm, albeit a tad more ornate, Der Freischütz has more than a few special abilities, the first being the fact it will instantaneously appear in Edgar's hand whenever he calls for it. The second, and perhaps even more useful ability, is its ammo capacity. While it appears limited to six shots, the gun can actually fire up to eighty rounds of normal ammunition, twenty rounds of silver based ammunition, and eight rounds of magical ammunition without needing to be reloaded. ‎ [*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1e/a1/97/1ea197eb20caf108a0f3015435bc3dee.jpg][b]Venusian Protection Amulet:[/b][/url] A small stone pendant engraved with various symbols and markings. To Edgar's knowledge it belonged to some ancient Venus worshipper before ending up in the bottom of a Spanish conquistador's purse, and possesses quite the interesting bit of protective magic, as it will take the effects of any curse, hex, or magical feedback upon itself. Thus keeping Edgar safe from the majority of supernaturally inflicted harm, provided he wears it and provided the energies being thrust upon it do not exceed what it can reasonably contain. ‎ [*][url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0277/9601/3133/files/1_a047ad96-003d-47fa-930a-e01f045342c8_large.jpg?v=1596498718][b]Daemonic Clock:[/b][/url] A bizzare and seemingly broken pocket watch with the inscription [i]"Arrástralos al Averno"[/i] written on the backside. The clock hands are frozen at twelve o'clock, but if Edgar manages to acquire something belonging to a supernatural being, he can declare up to six unchangeable laws. If the entity in question should break one of those laws, the hands will advance by an hour. The moment they loop back to twelve o'clock, the entity will be dragged to Hell. [/list] - [b]Extra's:[/b] Will be around for most if not all paranormal instances and however many monsters that will entail. Additionally, a lot of his powers and items are based directly on the [url=https://m.imgur.com/gallery/RLSMa]Supernatural Investigator CYOA[/url], albeit with a few changes here and there. [/quote] [/hider]