[center][h1][color=ad4e92]H[/color]OSHINO [color=ad4e92]N[/color]ORIAKI[/h1][/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/0eEnTTQ.jpeg[/img] [center][color=#2e2c2c]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/center] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]D A T E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]April 9th 2018[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]L O C A T I O N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]Commercial Kyoto[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]T A G S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub][@Scribe of Thoth][@WXer][/sub][/cell][cell][indent] Noriaki scratched at his chin as the bubbly ginger pointed out the sampling of stock one could glance through the door. He supposed it was a dumb question in hindsight, what with the storefront itself not too far away, but it didn't seem to bother the redhead. He watched with mild interest as the boy—whose surname was Hinari, as Kazuyoshi had just reminded him—stood on the tips of his toes and decided to question his guide instead. It was hard to tell whether or not that was just one of the animated lad's eccentricities, or if it was to compensate for the height difference between the two. Regardless of the reasoning, his prompting seemed to drag the azure-haired youth out of his daydreaming. Something Noriaki quickly came to curse. Why the hell was it that whenever Asakura opened his mouth, something dumb had to come out along with the rest? [color=ad4e92]"The fuck are we, in the Meiji era? It's a pet store, not a bazaar. I'll be in and out in five minutes,"[/color] he interjected, although the salesmen and their nefarious ways weren't what poked at his nerve, [color=ad4e92]"And I do not have an accent—Osaka is [i]literally[/i] a twenty minute train ride south."[/color] Content that he had defended himself and his home, Noriaki stuffed his hands into his pockets and began to trudge his way through the assembled shoppers, towards his destination and its bizarre mascot. In spite of his protests, he fully expected his overly forward guide to follow along, and with how pleased to help he seemed, Hinari would probably be on their heels as well. That might have been something of a blessing, in truth. Maybe one of them could explain what the hell no-clumping litter was and why he wouldn't want it to clump up in the first place. Wasn't that the whole point? [/indent][/cell][/row][/table]