This is what I have for Sirens right now, Chaotic needs to approve it first and I MAY add more in the future. It's a good starting point for now, though, I think. [hider=Sirens][center][img],h_777,q_75,strp/siren_s_lament_by_ironshod_d2xb5un-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD03NzciLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC81NWM4ZjA2MS0yMWVkLTQ1YzktOGY1My04YTZhOGYzZGVhMzNcL2QyeGI1dW4tOTA3ZTA1OGMtZjgzNC00M2JhLTk1MTgtZjc3MGRlNzE3NjhhLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.8Y4iaiy_mAyn0ErAdqi5pVcGqHUy1kxfXCoWGSSKvmM[/img] [img][/img] [hr] [h3]Leadership[/h3][/center] As a matriarchal society the women are highly valued amongst their communities. There are male sirens and they tend to be the warriors of the race. They were ruled by a queen, but they haven’t had a queen since the royal family was killed 11 years ago. Currently the sirens have become less common, being scattered since the eradication of the royal family. [center][h3]Communication[/h3][/center] Most sirens anymore speak the common tongue, however they do have a language of their own that most still speak. [center][h3]Religion[/h3][/center] Originally, sirens worshiped Nielia, the Goddess of the Sea’s Song. They had priests and priestesses that spoke for the goddess, helping guide their people. Many believe that the song the sirens sing was a gift from the goddess in order to protect her children and they believe it connects them to their goddess. [center][img][/img] [h3]History[/h3][/center] Long ago when the other races began venturing out into the sea they came across a race of merpeople. Having not known any other races, the sirens originally were friendly towards these sailors. In storms they would sing out and lead the ship to safety. They were protectors of those that traversed their home. With all new discoveries, however, there are always those that wish to profit from it. Soon sirens were being captured, sold into slavery, or even killed for the scales on their tales. Being intelligent creatures, however, sirens began retaliating and using their gift of song to now lead ships and sailors into danger. They would drown any that fell into the sea and soon they became a creature that was feared by many. All sorts of superstitions arose around sirens and as time progressed and some sirens decided to try joining society on the main continent, they weren’t entirely accepted. 25 years ago a queen arose amongst the sirens who wished to unite their people with the humans. Queen Idamei Kyganna wed a human royal, Prince Sigmund Jaqeli and for the first time ever the other races were welcomed to the island of Aroalirea. Things seemed to go smoothly for a long time and a child was born to the couple. The child wasn’t the first half-breed, however, as there had been sirens living amongst the other races now for years and some half-breeds had resulted from this. The old way of the sirens had been changed and there were far less deaths at the hands of this race at sea. Some didn’t agree with this, however, and a plan was hatched. When the queen and her family were visiting the mainland they were attacked and murdered. At the same time some had been sent to Aroalirea and attacked. Many sirens died that day and now they seem to be a rarity. Aroalirea has been abandoned completely. There are still some sirens living amongst the other races, but you’re more likely to come across a half-breed anymore. Even then it’s not a common thing. [center][h3]Clothing[/h3][/center] Traditionally sirens didn’t really wear any clothing and if they did then it was very minimal, made from things they found beneath the sea. Now if you come across a siren they are likely dressed much like any of the other races. Many have abandoned their traditions in order to blend in more with the other races. [center][h3]Relationships and Family Dynamics[/h3][/center] The women tend to be the head of the family, caring for their wellbeing while the men are their protectors. Most families stick together, many generations living under the same roof.[/hider]