[hider=Kavius the Commoner] [center][h1][color=00aeef]Kavius(Cav-e-is) Hishamie[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/89/9d/92/899d9282d16706fa194581c4c0c0f387.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] Outfit = (A) 1 baggy black shirt (B) 1 blue pants rolled up slightly at the bottom (C) 1 pair of dark gray leather shoes (D) 1 sheath and longsword (E) 1 waist bound pouch = Money, small wrapped up string, a small amount of spherical candy. (F) 1 Silver Sword [/hider] After a small amount of time had passed and Kavius grew bored of watching the fire burn he turned his head towards Xara and spoke. "[color=0072bc]Yo Table...Xara, bout time we start heading back to the ship don't ya think[/color]", Kavius asked. As he spoke next Kav began to stand up. "[color=0072bc]I'm gonna start heading back, I just need to do something real quick before I return. You should go back too unless you have anything else you wanted to do too.[/color]" Kavius outstretched his hand towards Xara, offering to help him up. "[color=0072bc]Sound good new buddy[/color]"? After Kavius finished conversing with Xara, Kav ran off towards the way he came from originally. Most of the aggression he was starting to feel had evaporated and he felt ready to settle this. Kav thought of coming back here with Sam at some point after this job, they probably will deserve a small vacation and Kavius bet he persuade Sam since she missed so much. It did not take long to return to the scene of the Bath Crime, where Kavius walked around trying to find anyone who had been here earlier. Little did he know, however, he would be spotted first. It would just so happen that the ringleader, petite redhead who looked to be in her twenties, would spot Kavius before he had a chance to react. At the sight of this women and sound of her shriek, Kavius rushed over to the women and spoke as he walked. "[color=0072bc]Ok look listen you have the wrong guy, the guards here even arrested the right guy your just being too stupid too- "[/color]", Kav tried to say as he was cut off by the women. The redhead angrily make many remarks about the perverted young man, how he would rot in a jail cell for the rest of his life, then how she would kill him. "[color=0072bc]But..if you kill me[/color]", Kav asked confused, "[color=0072bc]I cant rot in jail...and if I rot in jail...[/color]", Kav asked as he scratched his head, "[color=0072bc]Then you cant kill me....[/color]" The women nearly lost it at this point, rallying her fellow petite womanhood who seemed appear from around every corner around Kav. Kav gulped at the sight of this. "[color=0072bc]Well......shit.[/color]" Kav made a run for it, running as fast as he could through and around each women. Kavius returned to the stink boat, climbing aboard as quickly as he could to hide from the fast approaching horde of petite women.