Cs Name: Nina Nina Gender: Female Age: 2000 Species: Inumimi Faction: Intimidate Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/TwVkhbGV/a2872b56abfc1c75b4f29718921a0d26-final-fantasy-anime-girls.jpg[/img] Personality: Nina Nina is a kind and considerate person. She truly believes that there is Magic in Friendship. She talks about the power Friendship has fairly often. Nina will do whatever it takes to protect her friends. Nina will try her hardest to be friends with everyone, even if they don't particularly like her. She is smart and always tries to think ahead of her enemies. She is the core strategist in the Neko Kingdom in her world. Powers: Mathical Evaluation, Friendship Mastery, Friendship Morphing Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Ear Ring of Bestowal, Ear Ring of Friendship Weapon: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/VNMgHtJx/roman-grigorev-genie-s-scimitar0.jpg[/img] Other: Name: Jafic Age: 90 Million Gender: Male Species: Genie Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/cLtBr3Bv/3ec2011ef347919404f1c1443268b014.jpg[/img] Personality: Jafic is an arrogant and self centered Genie who only cares about Power and himself. He announces to everyone almost all the time that he is the All Powerful Genie. Jafic is fairly smart but his arrogance and cockiness often puts him down in battle. He often underestimates his oppunents unless he has fought them multiple times before. Yet even then, he sees them as Mortal as says mortals' learning speed in centuries slower than his. In battle he will frequenty claim that he cannot be defeated because he is the All Powerful Genie and that no God nor Demon can stand to his true might. Powers: Ultimate Genie Magic, Gem Empowerment, Ultimate Strength, Genie Elemental Manipulation, Rune Mastery As a sword Genie Elemental Manipulation = Able to change physical form at will, Rune Mastery, Genie Aura Manipulation