[color=darkviolet]Finally... Walker might finally believe me... and all it took was a complete mental breakdown![/color] Violet, realizing she's been emotionally unstable since getting here, decided to just let it go for the time being. She'd need to control herself lest she be a burden on everyone should another fight break out. With how kite was looking at Kaath and judging by her responses... that could be any time soon. With how little she could even see her movements, Violet would rather not let things come to that; she doesn't want to put [b][i]everything[/i][/b] on Kite. She's seen his limits and doesn't want him to test them again. Letting those two... converse... she'd answer Walker finally. [color=violet]I have no reason to lie to you anymore. Since we're on a team trying to survive, it'd be bad if we kept secr-[/color] and then there was shouting. Violet would quickly look to Kaath and ready her ball before nothing would happen. She'd be back to being calm just a bit later, though apparently still resentful. Violet would carefully watch Kaath walk away more exhausted. Maybe she was some type of fighter who's anger powered them, a barbarian as she's heard it called in games. As she got lost in thought Kaath would whisper something she'd miss before fading away into nothingness. [color=darkviolet]Great... and now our guide just completely fu-[/color] calming herself again, [color=darkviolet]vanished without a trace and we're alone here just sitting ducks for whatever ELSE lurks here.[/color] With a sigh, she'd look around to see if there was somewhere else to go to move on from here. Kite would spring up, looking rather worried before hearing their gloves start to click again. What followed seemed like a vision but... more real, and as quickly as it start, it dissolved away instantly. Now, however, Violet could hear a voice in the distance. Seems like moving forward might be a bit easier than she originally thought. She was about to slowly move towards the voice but then she heard a vase breaking. [color=darkviolet]Someone must be angry and throwing stuff. I don't want to end up like that so maybe I should take this hint and cool it from now on...[/color] Walker would speak to get the group moving along and she, for once, could actually agree with him. She'd begin to follow the group out of the cave. Reaching the end she'd see... a... forest?! Honestly, after being in that nightmare filled cave, this forest was absolutely beautiful to her. She could almost feel her stress melting away before hearing that same voice beckon to the group. She'd notice the body that lied in a bush and a pair of broken legs... literally?? The upper part spoke very politely and eloquently, Violet couldn't help but feel bad for this poor soul who was put through this. Whoever this 'Madam' was, needed to get a verbal lashing for what they put this po- Then she'd hear a loud squawk. This thing mentioned the Madam was put in a mood... Kaath? Suddenly this would all make sense and now that verbal lashing was just a completely terrible idea. Walker would begin conversing with it before Violet would do SOMETHING for this thing. She'd go to pick up the legs and bring it closer to the body. [color=violet]I don't suppose you know anyway we can help you... put yourself back together?[/color]