[@Hawthorne] It can be assumed that cryosleep is utilized for longer journeys, but its not as fun for story writing so I kind of just handwave it. But yes, FTL travel does indeed exist, most ships have their own FTL drives, though smaller ships typically have shorter ranged/slower ones- requiring them to piggyback along with larger ships. Most larger ships will have docking sections for escort ships to latch onto, so they can take them along with them. FTL travel isn't instantaneous, I don't have any exact numbers for it, but a ship traveling about 100 light years will probably be in hyperspace for a few hours. Most drives will then require a cooldown time before being used again- typically around 24-48 hours, again depending on the size of the ship and its warp drive. The exact speed/travel time per lightyear is determined by the size/power of the ship's drive- the minutia of which is probably not worth getting into. For our purposes the ship this RP will be taken place aboard for instance, has a rather powerful drive for its size. I played with the idea of hyperspace lanes or stuff similar to Mass Relays from Mass Effect, but for now, we're just sticking to 'standard' FTL