Michael noticed Niccia rise and examined her expression for a moment. "Banished?" he repeated. The replacement had already felt wrong, but now he leared she was actually banished. Why? From where he was he looked at Arceus and then at the replacement of Gavin who carried Niccia's replacement. Banished. After a final glance at Niccia and the look in her eyes, he turned to Eros again. "Did your father mentioned why he banished her?" he asked. It was a long shot, but maybe Eros knew. Diel made a dismissive motion with her wing. [i]"Oh, nothing special. Wherever Netherlu flies I follow and he likes to keep an eye on the region, so we fly around a lot. Even today we had to stop on our way here because a human was in trouble and we brought him to the hospital first."[/i] She had a happy look in her eyes. [i]"He doesn't like to sit still for a long time. Even here, when we all have a chance to sit back, catch up and relax."[/i] Sea nodded slightly. "Not a problem," he stated. "I was actually thinking of making a pool too. Since you made a hole I could fill it with water so the water-types have a place to swim." He nodded to a Lapras. "She can barely move on land. But... it would be a problem if that platform comes down again." He pondered the possible scenarios for a moment. Bear landed on his feet and rose his fists in the air to celebrate the fantastic landing he had performed. When Carrish joined him and took on a defensive stance, he got excited. [i]"Oh yeah! Let's do this!"[/i] He ran towards her and initiated his Low Kick. "Right, leave it to me," Nethan said and he strolled away with his hands in his pockets. He followed Mindy and Xapher to the Lake Trio. As they addressed Xapher he spoke up. "Pardon the intrusion," he said to them with a nod of his head and then turned to Mindy. "Hypotethically, if Gavin wouldn't love you, would you hate him for that?" Mindy blinked at the sudden question. "N-no, why?" "Good. Do you have feelings for him?" "What?" Mindy blushed. "No, I mean, sure, I like him, he's a fun guy and intriguing, but... what kind of a question is that?" Nethan narrowed his eyes as he tried to understand the meaning of the answer. "You humans are complex," he sighed. "But I suppose the answer will do." He turned to look at Gavin and gave a thumbs up. Mindy still wasn't sure what had happened here, but decided to give her attention to the Lake Trio instead. "Hi, nice to meet you," she said. "I'm Mindy, a human, but you probably already knew that." Ilios had an amused look in his eyes. "We actually had some suggestions," he said. "The party is great, of course. good food, good company, but we were talking and decided it could use a little more..." He paused as he thought about the right words to use and he glanced to his sister for back-up. "Oh, I like her," Andy said to Frosiien as she mentioned he was charming. "She has good taste." He turned to Dera to introduce himself. "Andrew Bansing, but I prefer to be called Andy. It's a pleasure to meet you." He saw Benny fly to where the platform was and was glad for that. It was impossible for him to keep an eye on Bear from here.