[hider=lore part 1] The 2010s to the 2050s are generally regarded by historians as the decades where Indonesia became a major world power. A dominant military force in Southeast Asia and Asia in general, persistent economic growth as well as relatively stable leadership, a strong civic society and well maintained democratic institutions means that Indonesia was able to become the 4th largest economy in the world by 2050. Only behind major powers such as India, China and the United States. This period of rapid economic growth, although generally beneficial for everyone, was overshadowed by trends all over the continent, increasing militarism and nationalism on countries such as China, Pakistan, India and the Koreas meant that some form of conflict will brew in the future, and it all blew up in the great continental war. Occurring from the years of 2065 to 2070. The war involved practically every major country in Asia save for the middle east and central Asia, with both Russia and the United States joining in. With China, North Korea, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Laos and Cambodia on one side, against the United States, India, South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia on the other. The war has a combined casualty list slightly greater than that of the 2nd World War, with Asia as a whole destroyed, and the treaty of Hanoi marking the end of the conflict. Major changes include the dissolution of North Korea and Pakistan as sovereign states, China recognizing the independence of Taiwan while in return, were given a 'sphere of influence that includes Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. The war was generally regarded as a slight Chinese victory, but several experts say that this war is only a prelude for a bigger conflict in the future, since none of the fundamental grievances of multiple states were addressed. For the Chinese, victory, if it can be called that, felt incredibly hollow. Sure, they now have practically all of Southeast Asia under their thumb, they are the pre-eminent power in the Asian continent, and the United States was left reeling with a massive casualty list and a recession, but North Korea and Pakistan was dissolved as allies, and while the Chinese economy boomed, that boom was overshadowed by it's massive commitments in pacifying Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Indonesia in particular is being seen more and more as a black hole of funds. For the United States, the reaction of more mixed but nonetheless, this unclear defeat left the government unstable, with multiple Constitutional Amendments and a revolving door of political leaders following suit. The average term of an American President post 2070 is 3 years, with Presidential Impeachments, then impossible, now being done on the regular. Still, India, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand and the Philippines are still allied with American interests, and the American economy slowly recovered, with the help of foreign investment, and relatively good fiscal policies through the 2070s and 2080s. Nonetheless, the massive war casualty list and the breaking of American pride left much of the American populace wanting, and the desire to have a second go against China is a very strong sentiment held by the American people. Still, out of all the losers in the Great Continental War, none were bigger than Indonesia, the Indonesian military, then the pride of Southeast Asia and seen as a serious enemy should some major war occur in the 21st century, were left as a shell of it's former glory. The Indonesian government evacuated to Kalimantan while the rest of the country collapses into infighting and anarchy, even parts of the country that were thought of as 'integrated', such as Papua, effectively became independent states, still aligning with China out of necessity, but an independent nation state in every other right. For Indonesians, the 2070s and 2080s will be seen as the 'Time of Trials, or Zaman Pencobaan. As millions more Indonesians would die in the ensuing infighting, religious riots, terroristic attacks, not to mention the incoming Chinese Occupation. The future has never been darker for the country, and it's only just beginning. [/hider]