[quote=@Kumbaris] [hider=Marinette Caron, Communicator of Scathach] [centre][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/dd/3c/88/dd3c88204dd2403f16342e15bf24873a.jpg[/img][/centre] [centre][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/gangue-ouais-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210419/0ad7d2c3eff0143d6dcf511576402296.png[/img][/url][/centre] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][ BASICS ][/color][/h2][hr][/centre] [color=ffffff][centre][b][ NAME ][/b] Marinette Caron[/centre] [centre][b][ AGE ][/b] 25[/centre] [centre][b][ GENDER ][/b] Female[/centre] [centre][b][ COMMUNICATOR OF ][/b] Scathach[/centre] [centre][b][ MYTHOLOGY OF (YOUR GOD) ][/b] Scathach is a mystery, technically a goddess and a major figure in the Ulster Cycle, her most notable achivement revolves around teaching Cú Chulainn and giving him the Gae Bolg, the infamous spear that he wields. A shadowy figure in Celtic Mythology and not the most well known deity in the Celtic Pantheon, her lack of recognition is more than compensated by the fact that her skills in magic spells and combat are legendary, communicators of Scathach are generally regarded as Great Assassins throughout history, although some are warriors, as is the case with this current communicator and Cu Chulainn[/centre][/color] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][ APPEARANCE ][/color][/h2][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ PHYSIQUE ][/B][/color] As a former Squadron Leader of a French Army Helicopter Squadron. Marinette is built like a Soldier, muscular, well rounded, not necessarily the strongest woman in the world, but strong enough to overpower most men in a fight, blue eyes and blonde hair, most men who tried harassing Marinette usually ended up on a trip to the hospital, and the ones that don't usually needed a couple days' rest due to the bruises inflicted by her. She doesn't like showing her strength though, preferring to wear clothes that conceal her physique so that no one notices her muscles underneath. [/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ HEIGHT / WEIGHT ][/B][/color] 164 Centimeters/ 76 Kg[/centre] [centre][hr][h2][color=ffffff][ PERSONALITY ][/color][/h2][hr][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION ][/B][/color] Not a woman of many words. Marinette generally likes to keep to herself. Years of serving in the French Army gave her a much more analytical personality, able to assess a situation at hand and devise appropriate solutions to deal with the problem. While this generally works for her favour during her time in Chad or Afghanistan, back in her home city of Aix-en-Provence, it gave her a rather distant personality, if a bit robotic some may dare say. Still, she is a lovable woman if you can crack that initial cell, she loves eating at the various restaurants that dot her hometown, she loooves long drives across the French countryside, and most of all, she loves meeting about new cultures and peoples, part of being a Communicator of Scathach she guesses.[/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ LIKES / DISLIKES ][/B][/color] Likes: Discussion on Mythology, specifically Celtic Mythology, discussions on various fighting techniques, any good food, meeting new people, traveling to new places, long (for European standards) drives, Anime and Manga Dislikes: Unsolvable problems, the feeling of frustration, short range weapons, rotten fish, pole vaulting[/centre] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][hr][ BIOGRAPHY ][hr][/color][/h2][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ Place of Origin ][/B][/color] Aix-en-Provence, Provence, France.[/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ BIO ][/B][/color][/centre] [centre]How Marinette became the Communicator of Scathach is a bizarre story by any standard. Being known as the "Shadowy One", Scathach likes to make her methods be seen as mysterious as possible when choosing a Communicator. But, to start off, Marinette was born to relatively loving and well off parents in the City of Aix-en-Provence, a typical city in the South of France. She grew up relatively okay with no significant problems that impacted her wellness, but, when she turned 18. She encountered a mysterious woman with Red Hair, asking her if she wanted to become a 'Communicator', perhaps it is teenage foolishness or something else, but, sensing an aura of mystery, Marinette accepts. Throughout the summer after she graduated, she went on regular visits on the City's local Gymnasium, training in the art of Close Quarter Combat, Pole Vaulting, and Physical Fitness training alongside the Red Haired woman. She seems to be a genuinely lovely woman, and Marinette never seemed to sense any ill will from the woman, as a result. She grew stronger and improved her reflexes significantly. Then came the Army application, something no-one, not even she herself, thought of. While her parents were heavily opposed to the idea, seeing that she might get herself killed. She insisted and bizarrely enough, won out. She decided to go into the Army's Light Aviation, the thought of piloting helicopters garnered some kind of interest in her, and passed the various training regimen and exams the Army threw at her. Eventually becoming a Squadron Leader of a Helicopter detachment herself. Once she was discharged, the first figure that she met outside of her parents and closest friends was that woman. Saying that she was 'ready' to become a Communicator of hers, the process by itself is nothing crazy in particular, just some chants and a sudden surge of energy, but it has been done. Still, it seemed bizarre for anyone looking, in one sense, she is still the same Marinette. She still loves her parents, she still likes the hobbies that she had when she was a child, and she still maintains contact with her school friends, occasionally hanging out whenever possible. But that encounter with that strange, Red Haired woman also added something. A certain edge nobody thought Marinette was capable of having, sure, she can seem sweet to her loved ones, but she knows multiple ways to kill a person, something that cannot be explained by her army training. Only focused training with someone else explains her sudden ability jump. Still, she lives in her own house now. Has a stable job at a local café, and seems to be reintegrating back to society well enough. Surely there's nothing interesting that will come up in the future for her, right?[/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ REASON FOR CHOICE ][/B][/color][/centre] [centre]Scathach saw Marinette's incredible potential, not really wanting to limit herself to Scottish girls and boys. She took the leap and took Marinette under her wing. She saw throughout her adolescence how she can hold herself up in a fight, while that's relatively important. What's more important to her is Marinette's ability to handle crises with a calmness only an Assassin possesses, her time training under her and in the army only solidified her belief in her, she doesn't know it, but she has the makings of a powerful assassin. One Scathach is more than happy to lend her power towards. What is less well known is that, being not as well known as other Celtic figures, she probably has to search for Communicators herself, and probably stumbled unto Marinette by accident. [/centre] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][hr][ POWERS ][hr][/color][/h2][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ RELICS / FAMILIARS ][/B][/color] A Red Spear: A spear coloured dark red that was given to her by the Red Haired Woman after she was discharged from duty. She stressed that this is not the legendary spear of Gae Bolg, but noted that 'After he was gone, I have to make my own spear, he kinda took away the best weapon from me, so I have to make do with what's available.' Made by a fully metallic material from hilt to shaft. For any other person, it would be an incredibly heavy and unwieldy weapon, but Marinette can lift it just like some bundle of sticks. An amulet: A weird amulet given to her from the Red Haired Woman, she never uses it, but she told her that it goes to a 'very dark place, where no one outside yourself can escape', Marinette is a bit creeped out by the description, and is not too keen on using the amulet anytime soon. [/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color][/centre] [centre] Invisibility: A must have for a prospective Assassin, Marinette has the ability to completely turn invisible, and from all wavelengths to boot, she can only do this for roughly 30 minutes to an hour. But this ability can theoretically be trained to last for much longer. Inhuman reaction time: Possessing a reaction time much, much faster than even special forces soldiers. This ability of Marinette allowed her to make quick decisions on the fly, this skill is especially useful in firefights. Total silence: this is coupled with Invisibility can be incredibly powerful, using this skill means that every single sound Marinette makes, whether it's her talking, the step of her foot, even the rubbing of her skin on her clothes, are completely silenced. She has been able to walk up to people and spook them using this ability, and no one knows as to what other uses Marinette has utilized this ability for[/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ INVOCATION ][/B][/color][/centre] [centre]O powerful Shadowy One, I request your aid for this moment. Only with our strengths combined can we solve this current predicament. Heed my call O Shadowy One, for my travails for you have proven my body worthy to be your vessel. Let our enemies tremble under Scathach's might!!![/centre] [centre][hider=Scathach][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EEkc9KcUcAAg_m7?format=jpg&name=large[/img] Scathach's form completely overrides Marinette's appearance. Her clothing, her hair, even her face and eye colour. Unless you've already seen her transform, it would look like Scathach herself has descended into the battlefield. Marinette would need intense medical treatment once Scathach has deemed Marinette is no longer in immediate danger. Such is the risk of invoking your deity. [/hider][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ OTHER INTERESTS/SKILLS ][/B][/color] Anime and Manga: She is an avid Anime and Manga lover. Currently in what is called a 'rabbit-hole', she is highly interested in buying books and watching anime that interests her, with the Nasuverse Franchise being a current favourite. Shooting: A natural outcrop from her being a soldier. She loves shooting guns and discovering new weapons that interest her. Although not too keen on buying guns herself, she is highly interested in [i]trying out[/i] any gun that might fancy her. Mythology: Perhaps it is due to her status as a communicator, but she consumes any form of media concerning mythology. Possessing an almost academic interest on the subject, she has been willing to read 30-50 page dissertations on the origins of various deities and legendary figures such as Zeus, Chu Chulainn, Amaterasu, and of course, Scathach. [/centre] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][hr][ MISC. ][hr][/color][/h2][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ BIRTHDAY / SIGN ][/B][/color] 12 June/Gemini[/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ FAVORITES / LEAST FAVORITES ][/B][/color] She stumbled on the anime series Fate/Stay Night during her vacation on Paris right after her discharge, and has fallen down the rabbit hole of collecting anything Nasuverse related. This includes figurines of Scathach. She watches anime on the regular now, though she doesn't necessarily like other forms of Japanese popular entertainment. Strangely enough, she's not a big fan of Short Ranged weapons, swords and shields and the like. Not something that interests her in particular, despite the fact that she is proficient with that red spear of hers. She also doesn't like Pole-Vaulting, definitely a dislike that can be attributed to Scathach. [/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ SEXUAL PREFERENCE ][/B][/color] Straight, not interested in anyone currently[/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ MUSIC/MOVIE/BOOK/GAME TYPE ][/B][/color] She loves the Nasuverse series of Anime and Manga. Much to the confusion and stress of her patron deity. She also loves watching any well made French movies, something that fortunately corresponds with her French identity. Her preference of songs is all over the place, she likes French and European EDM, Classical, and any American music that suits her tastes. [/centre] [/hider] [/quote] I did think we went over the fact that your character is meant to be a new Communicator. The way you have it here indicates that she has been a communicator for roughly 7 or so years, and the more experienced Communicators are definitely not meant to be the focal point of the RP. The reason for choice I also found to be strange. Why would Scathach have to seek Communicators out herself? If anything, assuming a physical form for so long would be vastly more draining than just doing it the old-fashioned way of divine location. I think the backstory here needs a major overhaul overall. EDIT: There are also some grammar/punctuation issues that could be fixed.