[quote=@rezay] Very interested, gives off feelings of the Mist. How long-haul are we talking here, by the way? How many people are you looking for? [/quote] The Mist was indeed one of the inspirations behind this. Thought the movie was okay but only managed to watch a few episodes of the show before dropping it altogether. Wasn't much of a fan of the show. As for your questions, however, when I mean long-haul, I mean actually sticking around for the RP. People tend to have a habit of making sheets, posting once or twice before ghosting the RP altogether. I've also had entire groups ghost me all at once while I'm sitting around waiting for posts from them, so I would like to avoid that if possible. For potential players, I'm guessing maybe around 8-10 players/sheets at the most. 12 pushing it. Though, since this is an apartment complex, I won't stop anyone from making a secondary sheet or NPC some family members or whatever if they do get accepted.