[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6w4V9ZJ.png[/img] Level 9 Blazermate - (4/90) +1 Edge of the Blue – Seaward Bay Words: 602 [/center] Seeing as Blazermate really didn't have much to do, she just observed her team eating and chatting. Bowser and Mr. L, the evil sentai looking fella, seemed to come to an agreement, although what Blazermate could understand from lip reading the big koopa made her laugh a bit. Clearly Bowser had never been in a robattle before with a killabot. Ah well, at least these two were getting along well. Meanwhile Mirage showed his skills off to the group, while Mr. L just seemed to boast about things yet again. With how much boasting and no show the green guy was, Blazermate could only look at him skeptically. Still, finding two new allies was nice and Bowser knew enough about Mr. L to let him help so he couldn't be all bluster and no substance. [color=0072bc]"I'm glad everyone is getting along! Always nice to have more people. Just uh, don't get all hurt at once."[/color] Blazermate then turned to Mirage and said. [color=0072bc]"Its a good thing I can tell holograms apart from the real thing thanks to my head part. Otherwise that could be disasterous."[/color] She said, wagging her finger at him a bit playfully. She couldn't track the invisibility, but she could guess where he'd go considering how limited it was. Besides the declaration of alliances and showing off of powers, and of course eating and loading of the ships, not much of note happened and they were off to the next leg of their journey. A stormy looking sea full of carnage and just, ick. [color=0072bc]"Ok, so we gotta be getting close right? This place is bringing back dead zone vibes."[/color] And sure enough, soon some of the locals decided to pay them a visit. Although they were just sharks, some people were worried, others were fine with them. Mirage's idea did give Blazermate an idea of how to handle the sharks, even if he thought it was silly soon after. Although her plan would have to wait a bit as soon they approached what looked like the boss of the area, more sharks being attracted to all the stuff around. Seeing this as a good time to try her idea Blazermate took one of Mirage's explosives from him, Blazermate said. [color=0072bc]"Oh this'll be so cool!"[/color]. With that, she fiddled around with the grenade for a bit until she found out how to arm it, jammed it into one of her zombies, and commanded it to jump off shippy and swim away form the ship. With a moan the zombie did just that, swimming with its weird bone appendages and spines that formed due to its mutations. Some sharks, sensing some new meat, chased after said zombie. The zombie swam only barely slower than the sharks, but they soon got in range and started to bite it, at least as best as they could through all the spines and metal bits. As the sharks started their feeding frenzy, the zombie let off one last moan before it exploded into abyssal contetti, taking a bunch of sharks with it away from Shippy. [color=0072bc]"That was awesome! Now for Mr. Moobs octo. Man that is just wrong."[/color] Blazermate said, summoning the Engineer to build his buildings while starting to overheal everyone for the upcoming fight. While healing her team, she could feel a different type of energy build up that originated from her healing arm, not her medal. Apparently she had been healing enough with it from their last battle that something got toggled on inside, but it would be a bit before she knew what this was.