[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmE5NGIxMC5UV0ZuWkdGc1pXNWxJRTloYTNOMFpXRmsuMA/dalek.regular.png[/img][/center] Magdalene did her best to shrink and remain quiet for the duration of the audience. She stood towards the back of the group, as if hoping to hide from the view of the queen; Not at all difficult, given her lacking height. She felt that if she [i]were[/i] called upon the best she could manage was a choking stutter. She did not like standing before officials; Especially not the queen of a magical nation who could and wouldn't hesitate to toss anyone who made a scene plummeting to their deaths. As everyone else listed off their own reasons for undertaking this mission -- One that, they [i]still[/i] hadn't actually heard of, Magdalene dreaded and worked up courage to state her own goal. [color=9B631B]"I want-- To live here. Away from... Dead-- The 'Lower Realms', you said,"[/color] Magdalene somehow managed to murmur out, letting the conversation quickly eject her afterwards. Once the group stated their purpose, the Queen finally relayed their quest. At first it sounded simple enough; She wanted them as explorers of sorts, finding ancient information and lore of the world below, hopefully dredging up it's long forgotten history. Their journey would require them to travel across the breadth of Deadwood, but should they succeed, then their desire's would be satisfied. Except, Magdalene [i]knew[/i] to read the fine print when it came to accepting a job. The whole deal sounded a bit unfair to them, and nobody else seemed to question the actual job itself. Finding herself inching closer towards the large stone golem for security, Magdalene mustered up the courage to actually talk back to the queen. [color=9B631B]"N-Now, hang on, hang on... I uh... That... This mission sounds... a bit fixed against us. We're just-- You want us to travel all across Deadwood, including... [b][i]New Kaimeria[/i][/b],"[/color] Magdalene felt a bit too much malice slip into her voice, [color=9B631B]"[i]and[/i] the Desolation? So we can look around for old books and information which [i]might[/i] actually exist... Until we find whatever you call to be enough? Wh-Wh-W-What actual insurance can you give that we won't just be wandering around until we fall dead?"[/color] Once she finished voicing her concerns, Magdalene felt dread coil up and rest in the bottom of her stomach, as she called the full attention of the queen to herself.