[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210423/4c3a138f4845d51054a644a306bdada2.png[/img] [img]http://www.thevro.com/wp-content/uploads/the-flash-4x05-iris-killer-frost-felicity.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] The entire situation that was going on. Everything was not going to happen in their favor, she could see that clearly now. Everything they could do likely would make the situation worse, and no matter what they were going to lose. She wasn't much of a geek, but she could see a Kobayashi Maru scenario, and this currently [i]was[/i] that dreaded no win scenario that was impossible to beat. They could try all they wanted to, but... She just could not see a way through this situation where the bomb actually didn't go off, that they managed to save the day and every other mutant in the DC area. There just was no way. Everything started to happen in slow motion as she watched the X-Cutioner trigger the explosive. And the bomb went off. Sapphire's mind was racing, as her brain went to the sort of plan that Callie had come up with in case the bomb went off. Problem was she doubted everyone had been ready for it to go off so soon. Racing for a way out of this, she only could come up with one solution. Her idea wasn't the best, she knew that, especially considering what had happened the last time she had done it. But she couldn't see anything that might work other then that insane idea. There were other problems that could arise from this though, she knew that Jack's body was essentially made of rubber, and if you make rubber insanely cold, it tends to break. Sapphire in an instant, cold whirling around her as she took a few steps in front of the group. There wasn't any other way though as she threw her hands up into the air, and a small blizzard started to form around the entire area. The cold enveloped everything in the area, and her mind was racing, her head pounding, just as it had done when she had saved Kristina's life. Sapphire didn't put a hand to her face, she already knew that there was blood coming from her nose as she felt it start trickling down. With her head about to explode at the moment, and the sense of slight dread creeping up her stomach, she knew that she wasn't going to last. Not like this. Glancing around, she eventually looked right at Havok, the one thing she was somewhat regretting at the moment was never having mentioned to him the fact that she had feelings for him. Her lower body had gone numb at this point, and when she glanced towards the ground, she realized that her entire lower body was frozen, not in a big block of ice, but more like an ice sculpture. Everyone else was starting to get frozen into blocks of ice with what Sapphire was doing, and she looked back at Havok again, even as she felt that the ice was creeping up her body even more. [color=A4FFFC]"Havok... Never said this but despite the fact that you annoy me to no end...I love you,"[/color] she said with a slight smile. In another moment everyone was going to be incased in ice, and after another she stopped trying to fight back against the ice that enveloped her entire body. The blizzard died down after everyone was encased in ice. And when that happened, Sapphire's entire body shattered.