[quote=@rocketrobie2] [img]https://media.tenor.com/images/41b10ebfec8fa02365daa176c552ca2b/tenor.gif[/img] Keep your psuedopods to yourself! EDIT: Just ot be clear, Johnny's Ricky in this situation because nice version of the Thing could deck him any day of the week. [/quote] I do find Bubbles relatable to Dandelion's character. Just someone with no real ill intentions that constantly gets roped into mischief. Maybe I'll have Dandelion start adopting tons of cats, but first they'll have to learn they're not for eating. [quote=@rocketrobie2] Completely unrelated to all this marshmallow talk but can you guys believe Platypuses have venom? I remember reading about that on wikipedia once at work and thinking it was some made up edit. That shite's WHACK. [/quote] They are also the only truly venomous mammal if I recall correctly.