As the large Petentem beast prowled the complex it was soon met by guards, a toothy grin could be easily seen, though it looked as if his teeth were bared which they indeed were. He hadn't eaten anything in a few hours, the guards looked like a well deserved snack, his head faced the one they were holding. He got a good whiff of Mike, a bloodwolf, he was now hoping they fed him, that'd mean more blood to spill and splatter. The large Petentem let out a subtle hiss, taking a single step toward the guards before they explained their whereabouts and his task. Escort a supernatural to the interrogation room? Sounded simple enough to him. The toxic looking saliva dripped from his gaping maw, Cassius knew that this bloodwolf was no good dead so he'd be gentle for now. He now had the bloodwolf in his teeth, he was fighting back his instinct, the idea of crushing the life out of the pathetic supernatural delighted him. He began to make his way down to the interrogation room, his footsteps slightly shook the area around him. He could smell and hear the trapped humans and supernaturals, he shook his head, swinging the motionless bloodwolf around in the process before dropping him. The guards promptly strapped him into a chair. The guards were no long of use, well maybe one could stay, after all they'd be nothing compared to the reward he'd get from Vlad. He began to step toward the guard, he could smell the sweet scent of fear, the guard had held his breath and stood still. Cassius continued to moved forward, making the guard step back. Each step seemed silent but it was more than audible to him, with a quick movement of his almost snake-like head, he devoured the guard, crushing bone effortlessly in his jaws. He looked toward the other who raised his weapon and hissed, turning away to backtrack. He made his way to Ivan's office, shifting into his human form and entering. His piercing red eyes gazing around the room, he grinned, his teeth pointed and sharp, other than his teeth and eyes, he was relatively human. "At your service..." He said, giving a respectful bow.