[hr][center][h1][color=f7941d]Port Algec[/color][/h1][h3][color=f26522]Briefing>Launch Tower[/color][/h3][/center] [center][color=fff79a]Nathanial[/color],Roose,Ulesses[/center] [hr] NAthan had focused on the information given to him by Tyr, so far moral seemed low and the information Tyr gave wasn't helping. Those false flag operations the Gol would pull were effective against most Imperial units, for him he figured any machine in his path of destruction was not an ally... which had caused issues a few times accidently slicing off a limb of an actual ally, not his greatest moment. While he did Agree with Skye about an assault against them, Tyr's rebuttal was better. If what Teras said was true then best to stay together so they were better situated to help cover each other which is what the planned deployment seemed to be. He mainly paid attention to the briefing of his sector of the operation, the ship he was assigned to look at just from first glance seemed promising for salvage, but other then that he would need a better look, but he figured the salvage crew would know more then him. Once he left he made his way to the locker room as he changed into his red ZAFT pilot suit, one of the few things he's had for the longest time other then his personal short-sword and have seen it as a security blanket while in his suit, he couldn't see himself not wearing this while piloting. One thing he felt like doing later down the line if he survived this operation get his machine a new paint job, maybe a bright red or a rich red, but red none the less. Once he left the building he loaded up onto a truck that would take him to his rocket where his GINN was being loaded into the rocket. He waited for the rest of crew and the other pilots to load up before the elevator went up to rocket, he noticed one of the Pilots with Teras was joining him, Troll was his code name? He heard Teras call him Troglodyte, which he guessed was a nickname she gave him. He is a veteran of space so best listen to his advice. Then there was Roose he meet back in the cafeteria, older then him and an Armen who were great fighters so he hoped he was a good pilot.