Flare managed to get through the portal with the remaining humans and Yuri mentally sang praises as the portal crackled and closed with a rough implosion absorbing any nearby Pageless and destroying them. Yuri sighed when he opened his eyes and saw Momo lowering the humans on the ground next to the ones he had managed to gather. He hadn't seen the attack on Merlin, and was bewildered when he heard her voice telling them that a Pageless was around. "Out here? I thought they were all in the building," Yuri questioned. He couldn't distinguish if there was a presence nearby without elevating his senses. He didn't get a chance because Merlin appeared in front of them. Yuri watched as she telekinetically ensnared the unconscious humans and carried them into the first floor of the building. It took him longer than he dared admit to realize that he was standing in the street with utter shock on his face. They'd just gotten the humans out of the building. Why was Merlin taking them back into the building? He wasn't one to complain, but it seemed counterproductive. Nonetheless, he moved reluctantly towards the entrance before Merlin sealed it with her spell. "Quite the powerful spell Merlin," Yuri said as he examined the barrier. His hand twirled and fingers curled through the gas-like energy. He was satisfied at her use of the arcane arts, and yet he often wondered if she was able to focus on one thing and not be scatterbrained. One issue often revealed a bigger picture, one that was sure to involve more than just a simple Pageless trying to gather energy. Yuri had put together that something was different this time than the last few times he'd help thwart the attempts of the Pageless. It felt as if something were off as if something was missing and just out of sight. "Come forth mighty Monarch and bless us with your power," Yuri muttered as his Monarch staff slammed into the ground in front of them. The tendrils ended with beautiful arcana gems that held potent power. He had yet to unlock the full potential of the weapon, but it had gotten him out of many stick situations. He reached out, his fingers curling around the beautiful masterpiece. Energy flowed through him as he held it. "Whatever it is Merlin, I got your back, but calm down before you blow a magical fuse or something," Yuri began as he took a step forward. "Now then, sight beyond sight. Be good little boys and stand guard won't you?" Three butterflies the size of a stuffed teddy bear appeared two outside of the barrier and fluttered to guard the entrance. They acted like security cameras, scanning the vicinity to ensure nothing could sneak in. One was planted at the entry, the other in the corner of the room they occupied, and finally one across the street higher up to give a better view of the building entry. "I will check on the workers to make sure they're okay," Yuri said, moving slowly towards them.