[hider=Appearance][img]http://i43.servimg.com/u/f43/16/63/02/72/drow11.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Antafien Avury'lyl Age: 26 Race: Drow. Hometown: Vaneel Biography: An orphan in Vaneel he grew up around humans and knew few of his own kind, as they are rare among the other races preferring to keep to themselves in there underground cities. The only thing he had of his parents was a weapon his father left him, though he kept it hidden as it was a rare Drow weapon and despite being able to fetch a high price he didn't want to lose the only connection to his parents. Becasue of his alienation from others he found solace in the underground labyrinth, and explored them often. Though his became his greatest strength living on the streets as he soon could navigate that labyrinth with ease. He would pop out, steal something and quickly slip away in one of the many openings through out the city. This however caught the eye of the cities more questionable businessmen, seeing as the child could move virtually anywhere in the city unseen they used him as a courier and guide as some people could get by down in those dark tunnels, but non people were astonished how he moved through with out using markings to find his way, he simply knew where he was going. As he grew older he was never the strongest, he relied on his seeped, agility, grace, and most importantly cunning and guile. Though living among humans he lacked some of the more, flawed personality traits of his people. Namely their cruelty and disdain for the other races, But there was one thing that he craved like all of his kind and that was power. He grew tired of taking scraps from criminal world as they would never treat him as an equal. Even if he were to kill his way up the latter few would fallow the Drow orphan, so he decided that he would leave this town and go somewhere he could attain standing and recognition, and become strong. Though he didn't have to wait long, soon Dragoons where in the city, recruiting and he got an idea. He stole from them, but let them know. They chased him through the city as he kept disappearing, only to reappear. He was still a child and could never beat them in a fight. But he also knew they would only use there artes to capture him and not harm him giving him a slight advantage. He kept doing this, disappearing under the city, showing back up and stealing something then hiding. Finally after hours of cat and mouse he approached them with everything he had stolen with a grin on his face. "I am great, make me legendary." he said as that drew a laugh from them as they had to admit for the better part of a day this child had them running around like fools. So they recruited him, they told him he had to give up his life of thievery but this was something he was fine with for as a dragoon he wouldn't have to rely on such things to survive and with the skills and power he attained through the academy nobody would ever look down on him again. His entrance into the academy was something he expected, disdain and mistrust for what he was. Though he expected that and ignored it as these people were pawns for him and the academy simply a tool. So he ignored the others and focused on training. He worked hard, honing his skills and as time went on he was steadily accepted. People looking beyond a Drow and seeing him for the skilled warrior he was becoming. As well as a trusted ally. though he originally planned on using the academy to gain skill and power and would be rid of them as soon as he no longer had need of them, that soon changed. People trusted him, respected him. These were wholly new things to him, before long he found him self laughing alongside his classmates, training with them and working in a group with them. He had finally found somewhere he fit it and was happy. Dragonartes: Sadistic crown, Zephyr Dash Weapon(s): [hider=Merdrol][img]http://images.ontheedgebrands.com/get/w/245/h/245/A17-BK1843.image?notfound=notavailable[/img][/hider](Twin linked crescent blades Made of mithral so they are light, with a mithral chain connecting them together and mithral handle in the middle that holds the chain inside allowing him to adjust the length, The chain itself is 15ft long and chain remains locked in place until he squeezes one of two levers,one for each side, which allows him to feed it out either side as well as slide the handle down or up the chain. Squeezing the outsides of hose levers causes them to retract/) [hider=Daggers][img]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd93/starra_redrose/WARRIORS/drow-daggers.jpg[/img][/hider](keeps one on the outside of each boot.) Roleplaying Sample: Antafien awoke in the night where he rested high in a tree. The feint sound of some one screaming rang in his ear a he rolled falling from that branch dropping to the ground below. Soon he was off running through the forest with great speed as trees passed by he had to kick left and right to avoid them. He drew closer to the source of the scream and slowed down walking onto the road. There was a horse drawn carriage, a merchant's from the look of it. His red eyes survayed the scene, a woman was off the the side on her knees holding a man, bleeding on his shoulder as she was crying. The bandits were busy ransacking there lively hood. "And here I thought I would get a nice nights rest for once" His voice elegant to a degree as the bandits took note of the drow turning around looking at him. "This ain't got nothin to do with yea Drow. Now scamper back to yea hole" one particularly ugly bandit with a bad case of mouth rot said. "I will take it you are the leader, yes you are the ugliest so that must who you are." "Wot yea say red eyes! Fine then well leave yea for cairron." Just then Antafien lips curled up in that devilish grin of his. "Oh big ward for you, I feel almost proud" he said as the first came at him, swinging a sword as Ant jumped back landing and reaching up the back of his coat and pulling out his weapon, Merdrol, "I would like to you meet my....partner if you will Merdrol." He said as the they came at him again. In its travel state both blades were tight against that metal handle looking more like a short staff as he spun the blade and gripped it in both hands, lifting the right side up he knocked a sword back before dipping and bring the left across in a swipe, the mithral blade sliced through the mans leather armor and cut through flesh leaving the mans insides to become his out as he fell clutching his spilled innards. Though quickly another man yelled swipping down as he quickly brought the right end back up catching the sword between the twin blades as he kicked the man in the sternum sending him tumbling back. Still grining a man lashed out with a spear using it to keep a distance thrusting it forward as Ant jumped back, twisting to void the point of this mans statement. He brought his own weapon up bringing it down so the spear was in the center and with a twist the wooden neck broke "Oh dear me I have seemed to broken your toy, here let me share mine" he said squeezing on the left lever and pulling up as the blade stayed down and the chain fell out while before he let go of the lever and jerked the blade up. Catching it he quickly tossed it as it speared into his chest and Ant yanked back pulling the blade back to himself catching it, He swapped hands, holding the side still on the staff in his left and gripping the other by the center handle in his left ."two down" he stated looking at the remaining three. The crossed eyes with eachother as Ant stood there, twirling axe like weapon in his left hand and holding the other in his right. "well now, if you don't want to make the first move. I will" he stated as he activated his dragonarte "Zypher dash" they blinked and he was behind the man closest to him, blood dripping from the axe like blade as the man coughed once before his body fell over and his head rolled "three" he said as in another instant he was moving again. He let his left blade go whipping it as he held the the lever and the chain was released and it curved, hitting the man in the side digging into his body half way as the sword in his right hand punged into the bandit leaders chest as he stood before him. All this happened in a manor of moments as he looked at the leader "Four, and five" he said pulling the sword out slowly letting him drop to the ground. "Well that was rather boring" he said before losing his balance, His since of up and down altered as he swayed some feeling like he was going to puke as he couldn't orientate himself. Though after a few moments it passed as he shook his head, his pure white hair shaking a bit and he pulled the sword from the fourth Bandit laying on the ground. Squeezing the outside of those levers the two blades retracted back into the handle as he spun it some looking over to the couple. "Don't hurt us please, take anything you want" she said looking at him like she was more afraid of him then the bandits. "I have no desire to harm you or steal from you." he stated as he tossed some bandages at the couple "wrap up his wound and your should be fine, it doesn't look fatal" he said as he turned and started walking down his road to make his way back to the academy. "Try to have a nice relaxing weekend camping and this happens. I swear.." he said to him self as he walked pulling out a rag and cleaning off his blade.