[quote=@Sep] [@Natty] talking about divides amongst our magical sub-community, what would you like from Conor? Perhaps he's trying to find a way to let her use the powers, but prevent the transformation? [/quote] I feel at this point Gabi isn't too worried about the transformation, and would just brush off any remark about it. This could be something to look into in the future though, after a conflict causes it to extend much further than it had previously, for example. Or, despite her protests that it doesn't matter currently, he could be looking into it regardless without her knowledge. For the time being, he could be helping her with just researching Mayan culture, etc. While her dad told her stories as a kid, there's still a lot she doesn't know and is curious about. I imagine Conor would be very eager to look into this with her, given this is the first time the Mayan Gods have done anything in hundreds of years