[center][img]https://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130317205202/youngjusticefanfiction/images/5/52/Zachary-zatara.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210420/7161bf858c241d15cf7be40b1adcab9d.png[/img][/center] Location: Base Level > Lounge Interactions: Jack [@Courtaud] Viktor [@FunnyGuy] Casper [@Shard] Devan [@Prosaic] The new guy acknowledged Zach by nodding his head, but he didn’t actually say anything. Meaning he was either deaf, mute, maybe both. That would make this a challenge... Then his theory was proven wrong when he opened his mouth to ask when the next mission would be. [color=darkviolet]“Oh, so you can talk. Good to know.”[/color] He shrugged his shoulders. [color=darkviolet]“I don’t know when the next mission will be. I’m sure Red will give us something when it’s time. In the meantime, chill. Relax a little. You just got here. Don’t worry about missions and stuff until the time comes. K?”[/color] Then he pointed his black and white magicians wand up. [color=darkviolet]“neercsekoms!”[/color] Zach was enveloped with a bunch of smoke. When it cleared, Zach was gone. It looked like he teleported, but he really just ran off to the elevators to get to the lounge. Everyone else had already left, and it didn’t seem like he was getting anywhere with the silent guy. When he arrived at the lounge, he saw Casper, the other new guy, he never did get his name... And Devan... He didn’t know much about Devan, except that his mentor was John Constantine, and it was clear Constantine was more than friends with his cousin. Zach shuddered at the thought. They were all gathered around the TV watching one of those ridiculous reality shows. Zach decided to butt in. It’s not like he had anything better to do. [color=darkviolet]“Hey fellas! What are we watching?”[/color] He jumped on to the couch, and sat next to Viktor, which he only overheard his name by listening to their conversation.