[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xYNz5Y2DKS83pKct9KXUY-PvT56r7LfcBYOL5o7bjPM/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/210424/1aacb67ba4eb5c934f204d6669b28a48.png[/img][/center][hr][center][color=CornflowerBlue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Dorm, Dorm Hallways [color=CornflowerBlue][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color] Kassandra ([@Mistress Dizzy]) [/center][hr] Alisa stood over her new pair of jeans holding a palette full of paint, wondering which color to use next. It was a hard choice. Her once blue denim jeans were already covered in painted flowers and vines, from sunflowers to roses to clusters of tulips. A new flower had the potential to ruin the entire look or make it even better. She pursed her lips and dipped her paintbrush in red to make another rose along the bottom hem of the leg. This had been an impromptu project. The nights here were hard and lonely, and Alisa had little else to do. Sleep was unneeded for someone like her. Back home, the nights had been easy. The other members of her family would often stay up until late at night working on projects and, failing that, Alisa always had something to do. But it wasn’t like that here. She had none of her old things from home, and procuring an easel and canvases and new books had proved difficult. The only things she really had were her new clothes that the woman who had brought her here had bought and some acrylics. So she had decided to paint her clothes. Better that then wandering the halls at 4 AM, alone. The project had proved more fun than Alisa had thought it would be, and she was nearly done. She’d just have to find a place to dry it… She looked around her room. There were no windows in here to dry it against. All she had was a pretty useless twin bed, her desk, her TV, her chair, and her dresser. It was terribly plain for Alisa, but she hadn’t yet gotten any decorations. Before Alisa got a chance to get distracted again and look for a good place to hang her jeans to dry, there was a knock at her door. A soft one, but Alisa heard it clearly. [color=orange]“Hey. Um. Alisa? If you’re in there… you feel like going to meet the new people?”[/color] Alisa heard Kassy said. A smile immediately brightened Alisa’s face. The new people! God, how had she missed that?! She had been waiting for their arrival for [i]days[/i] and she had completely missed it. She glanced at the clock and winced. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]11 AM already? Jeez, I took forever on these jeans.[/i][/color] [color=CornflowerBlue] “Coming!”[/color] she yelled at the door. Hurriedly, she put her palette of paint down on her desk and her brushes in a glass of water. She rushed to the door, opening it. [color=CornflowerBlue]“Kassy! Hi!”[/color] Alisa smiled, big and wide, revealing too-white teeth. Her shirt and sweatpants were splattered with paint, and so was her hair, which was tied into a messy bun. If Kassy looked behind her, she could very clearly see the mess inside. [color=CornflowerBlue]“I would [i]love[/i] that! I’ve been so excited to meet everyone. Maybe give me a second though?”[/color] Alisa held up a finger and closed the door. In her room with the door closed again, Alisa got dressed. It was quick, and she came out within a minute. Now, she looked much less disheveled. Her hair was still a bit covered in paint, but it was down and reached just below her collarbone. She was wearing a cute [url=https://dodo.ac/np/images/5/59/Sweetheart_Tank_and_Shirt_%28Gray%29_NH_Icon.png]sweater with a sweetheart tank top[/url] over it, some denim jeans, tennis shoes, and silver clip-on star earrings. Alisa had never been one to not want to be fashionable. [color=CornflowerBlue]“Ooh, I’m so excited! Come on, let’s go,”[/color] Alisa said, and she grabbed Kassy’s hand and started speed walking down the hallway. She was going perhaps a bit faster than was comfortable for most people. [color=CornflowerBlue] “Do you think there’ll be another girl that’s coming today? I hope so. I’m getting really sick of all these guys. They’re either edgy or really showy, and I don’t appreciate either. You’re excited, right? You don’t look excited.”[/color] Alisa scrutinized Kassy’s expression, furrowing her brows.