[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LAVKGXc_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210419/b20e29e2aece398f677b72adcb18d2b2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Lounge, Sanctuary [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Casper, Zachary, Devan, [hr] Viktor listened between Devan and Casper about what the latter was. His hard stare was upon Devan first who quickly pointed out what Casper was not. Then his eyes shifted to Casper. [Color=silver][i]A ghost?[/i][/color] His right eyebrow reflexively raised for a second before he nodded silently. [Color=silver]"Interesting."[/color] He simply said just as Zachary took a seat next to him while asking what they were all watching. The social butterfly had arrived. Viktor looked at him from the corner of his eye. [Color=silver]"It's called Bared and Scared. Have you watched this before, Zachary?"[/color] Attempting being friendly, but his words lacked inflection. Perhaps Zachary sitting so close to him meant he hadn't hurt his feelings. Good. Casper then mentioned his and Zachary's ability to use magic and also pointed out how it was not the same. It was fitting as he could not imagine Casper being as flashy as Zachary. Viktor's eyes seemed to now be affixed on Casper. He truly did find the guy interesting from what he could observe. It would be easier if he was just an alien or just a very peculiar meta. Magic and the supernatural just made things complicated yet intriguing for Viktor. Something new to learn about. Then came the bickering between Casper and his bird, Coal. They brought up a few things that seemed to be just between the two of them, but Viktor took note. When they ceased, he spoke up. [Color=silver]"Nice to meet you, Casper, and you as well, Coal... Actually, it's nice meeting all of you… And I look forward to getting to know you [I]all[/i] better."[/color] A hint of a smirk appeared briefly as he purposely took a certain someone's line.