Alice was somewhat relieved that Brandy wouldn't be there for Alice's chewing out session. She had to wonder what her punishment would be...forced to lick toilets clean? Garbage duty for a month? Dressing up in one of those cute (but admittedly not her style) guild dresses and being assigned desk duty? She'd gotten that last one before and was shockingly good at much so that she had to fight tooth and nail to not get stuck as a guild girl forever. Now, she wasn't sure if this was the last straw. Alice's ears were flattened against her hair, and despite wanting to cry a bit at how unfair the job was to begin with, Alice kept herself under control and calmly explained her side of the story. She didn't want to excuse herself as she did admittedly screw up, but made it very obvious to Karin that this job was doomed no matter [i]who[/i] took it on. A dog like that had so much energy from being cooped up that taking it outside without a leash was just asking for trouble. But, then she did admit that she lost her cool at having basically the entire town and Ms. Elmwood turn against them. Bowing her head, Alice would finish by saying: [color=ed1c24][b]"...I'm so sorry for all of this. Both the botched job, and causing trouble for the guild. Whatever it takes to make this up to you all, I'll do it. Just...B-Brandy's new to all this. Whatever her punishment is supposed to be too, I'll take care of it. ...I don't want her losing that adventurer's spirit. Sure she may be..."[/b][/color] Alice paused while looking for a really, really, really nice way to not just outright call Brandy the most innately un-smartest person she'd ever met. [color=ed1c24][b]"...Different. But, she has a good heart. I don't wanna have it be broken because I...messed up walking a dog."[/b][/color] Come hell or highwater, Alice wasn't willing to let Brandy get punished because Alice was the one that screwed up. ...Even if it meant the one-week-wonder guild girl had to permanently have desk duty. She supposed she could get used to the blouses and the heels. Maybe her and Karin could go out drinking too after hours. Maybe even Nim would smile at having a workaholic like Alice helping Karin out with the hall. ...Or maybe Nim would turn Alice into a frog. Who knew, really?