[center] [hider=about me] hi hi hi! i go by buick (yes, the car. unfortunately i don't know much about them but hey, it's a decent name) and i've been roleplaying since 2017. i took a break about a years ago and can i just say how much i've missed roleplaying... sheesh. i am turning 19 this november and i've gotten into anime recently. aot, jjk, sk8 the infinity are some i've watched so do let me know if you wanna roleplay a ship from there or something. yep that's about it, not much going on in my life unfortunately. let's get right into the rules and such. [/hider] [b]guidelines.[/b] > i roleplay in third person, semi-lit style. an average reply from me would be around 400-700 words, maybe even more, depending on what you've given me to work with. > for character sheets, i stick to short and simple like their name, age and what they look like. i would prefer you use either realistic appearances or anime, i don't do well with descriptions as i am not very imaginative and they can look like 50 other people ngl. > my only limits would be necrophilia, beastiality, pedophilia and the likes. violence/gore isn't a big deal. > in terms of mature romance, i roleplay as a strict switch and would strongly prefer if my partner is able to do the same. no bottom-leaning switches either. i'm a sucker for versatile men that are at each other's necks, also it adds a bit of realism. > feel free to come up with your own ideas and suggestions, this is your roleplay as well. i'm a friendly person. ooc talk is also welcome! just a heads up, i am really indecisive and would prefer my partner to let me know straight up which plot they want to roleplay and which role they'd like to take instead of asking me what i'm fine with. 99% of the time i am actually fine with anything so yes :] [/center]