[center] keep in mind these are just some ideas i found all over the site, they're not mine except the last one. AND i am willing to do ideas other than this, these are just some suggestions and once again i dont have a role preference! they are all slice of life but i am not opposed to other genres. [hider=plot 1] gimme a plot about a typical all-american dude; who plays football, has a pretty girlfriend, is going to a good college because he’s such a good quarterback and drives around a rover because it’s safe (muse x) and then bam! here comes the bad boy, who wears black clothes and strolls around school like he owns it and has broken half of the school’s population’s hearts at least twice (muse y) and for some reason muse x is intrigued by him and muse y takes some kind of interest towards the other and then when he realizes he’s in love with muse y, he switches his safe range rover for an old mustang and is smoking in the parking lot with a bad boy on his lap and punching his judgmental friends and being suspended and he’s loving every part of it, because he’s free and he has him. [/hider] [hider=plot 2] plot where muse a and muse b are roommates/dormmates. muse a doesn't hide his attraction towards guys and muse b isn't very happy about that. muse b makes sure muse a knows that he's a worthless piece of shit and that he doesn't deserve to live; in short, muse b is extremely homophobic, for some unknown and troubled reason. muse a finds amusement in the other's words, not minding him much and continuing to go on his way. sometimes they have a heated exchange of words and other times, muse a ignores him. one night, muse b comes back home drunk and out of his mind and he ends up being a bit too touchy. whatever happens, they wake up next to each other in the morning. angst and confusion ensues. [/hider] [hider=plot 3] tattoo artist x florist au (what we could do with this is have the tattoo artist be the kind and gentle out of the two and the florist be the completely opposite. it would be a cute contrast imo) [/hider] [/center]