[quote=@souleaterfan320] The Amaranth Creed. To aceept our gift, and become one with the family, you are to respect the Amaranthine. It is not just a power to be given out like candy, only those worthy of its power and out goals may recieve it. We are to respect one another, and to trust my word, for I will never guide you astray. We are to progress the people of existence into a new golden age, allow them to experience our love and kindness, should they choose to accept our path. Those worthy will experience everlastign life without pain or misery. They will feel a power beyond that of any good or being known to existence, and shall use this power to better their lives daily. *smiles* Our goal is to liberate existence fro mthe clutches of the Tier Five. They wish to keep existence in the past. To prevent those here from learning of one another, from comining ideas, cultures, all of these things to make one large, collective family. They would rather watch these people close themselves off, and fight amongst themselves. They would rather watch existence slowly and painfulyl grow. Instead of supplying the tools to alter the process. To improve it. Join us, and together, our Family shall improve existence indefinitely. [/quote] *He smiles, though his fangs make it look sinister* I accept. Though I do have a small issue. I have a small amount of Amaranthine I..... borrowed, but I don't know how it works. Does it just enhance power, or can you do other things with it?