[center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/834222572937805834/834322386797985802/Selena_4.png[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210409/2a672398de616e36771343178f52a9d3.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] Selena took the chopsticks and smiled warmly, Finn then looked over to Valencia, who was eating only an apple. She looked back at him and saw a look in his eye. He was alway so aware of his surroundings and always made friends wherever he went. He was confident and fearless and unbelievably kind. She had looked to Karya now who had left it open to just the magic question. She thought for a moment about what she wanted to say, She had a small smile when she heard Finn's first comment to Val and decided to just start eating. She had heard the others introduce themselves, including the blonde haired boy named Calven and was grateful to the one called Ixius for taking Anise’s focus off of her..but she said nothing to them. She remembered something when Karya brought up what was happening in the world...something Mr. Reinheart spoke of, and one of the reasons he and Mrs. Reinheart escorted them to the academy. But again, she wanted to calm down a bit more. She used her newly acquired chopsticks to start eating, quite quickly really, which would have been quite odd for everyone to see for sure, especially picking up the bigger chicken pieces. When she heard Lorelei speak up, she looked up at her. Who then turned to her. While her cheeks were full of food of course. She turned red when she spoke up in her own language, reiterating that she shouldn’t say anything that might put her people in danger. She swallowed what chicken was in her mouth and nodded. Letting out a relaxed sigh. Then answering Lorelei with [color=FF3AD9]”Thank you… “ [/color] Slightly muffled as there was still chicken in her mouth despite swallowing a lot of it. She put a hand over her mouth. She looked over to Karya, once she was comfortable again, and softly said. [color=FF3AD9]Um...miss Karya?” [/color] Once she had her attention she then said, [color=FF3AD9]”Mr. Reinheart...I mean… Finn’s father. Said there was. M-meny adventures. Um, experienced ones? That worked with Mr. Reinheart. That were...eh… [/color] She thought for a moment, as she remembered the wording.[color=FF3AD9] “Vanished with trace.”[/color] She looked confused. [color=FF3AD9]” With...OUT… trace.”[/color] She said nodding to herself. [color=FF3AD9]”He say roads are no ...s-safe anymore. To travel alone...he said. [/color]