Augusta listened to Sorcha, though her interest didn't lie beyond the information on Lord Firebeard for the most part. It didn't stop her from soaking up the information the woman gave them. "It may be good to visit them, though I wonder how much my ears would prove problematic in the situation." She responded to Isidore's thoughts with her own musings. If they were looking for an elf than there may be some more problems than meets the eye. Regardless, she was highly intrigued by the layout of this elven city called Gloomhaven. Everything seemed so alien to her with these giant mushrooms growing everywhere. Sure the zombie-like wretches and her ever-faithful demon dog were fantastical in their own right, but this mushroom filled cave inhabited by elves was beyond what she could have expected. She felt comfortable moving about here with her hood down since there likely wouldn't be members of the Apostles around and while these elves were allowing them here at the moment, it felt more like they had a neutral opinion of them than a friendly one if the gaze of the guards were anything to go by. After Sorcha spoke of leaving Leuca in their ever so capable hands while she went and spoke with "her majesty" Augusta watched her walk off before grabbing the small elf girl's hand and looking around at the nearby buildings of interest. There was an odd tower that reminded Augusta of something in a game once. There was also what she assumed was a blacksmith or something of the sorts. Then, there was this overly ornate and quite possibly gaudy building with lanterns and other goods that made it look interesting to look at. At first, started to walk that way until she noticed that there were some rather skimpily clad women moving about. "A broth-" She cut herself off, not really wanting to give this child holding hands with her a thought about it. Instead, she turned to Isidore who had mentioned selling the chunk of silver to the smithy. "Ahh, yes. A good idea. While you do that, I'm going to go check out the odd tower over there. Leuca, would you like to join me?" She was curious if the girl would rather join her to the tower or Isidore to the smithy, though she was hoping the girl would join her.