The very mention of 'brainwashing' made Maggie's stomach, either do a few flips, or drop instantly, since their seemingly-mission turned on its head. They were instructed to investigate the strange behaviors of the college students, hopefully by finding the person, who may be brewing up something that might be influencing them. But then, how does that explain their surprising strength, like from earlier? Was that woman always strong, to begin with? Appearances can be deceiving, after all. Judging by what they have found tonight, however, it's like that very incident was seconds past. A brainwashing facility? An evil cult? The mysterious object that Daphne found? This was out of their league, and beyond them. However, that didn't mean they were going to abandon the mission, no matter how strange. 'Strange' was what they were all about. Maggie reached back to take the free hands of both girls, right as they were exiting the haunted house ride. It was still dark, and the gang decided to retreat to the hotel, so they can gather their minds, and inform Mondavarius what they have discovered. The front lobby looked like a large, two-level lodge; like how one would expect on a trip to a house on the beach. One level had indoor fire pits, tables and chairs, along with some couches, with the second floor showing more tables and chairs, as well as piano, with someone playing on it, filling the room with relaxing music. The one thing that stood out, for both levels, were people sitting at bars. “I’ll inform the owner”, Fred said, as Velma took the artifact from Daphne. “And I’ll go examine this; see if I can get anything from the inscriptions inside”, she declared with a smile, before the red head piped in. “I’ll go research cults on the ‘net”, before giving Velma a small high-five. With that, the three went their separate ways, including Shaggy and Scooby, who went to one of the nearby tables, where that familiar blonde girl was sitting at. Maggie walked over to one of the lounge couches, and flopped down with a tired sigh.