Kana shrugged. "[color=7ea7d8]I get what you're saying, but if we leave them awake, then we risk them figuring out what we're planning and finding a way to report it to whoever's calling the shots. Just wanna be safe. As for a plan...[/color]" She went quiet for a few seconds, clearly thinking, before continuing. "[color=7ea7d8]Right, here's what I'm thinking. You look like you've got some kind of force powers, controlling things with your mind, pinning people to walls, stuff like that. My Septima just makes me much more physically competent; faster, stronger, better reflexes, information processing, that kind of thing.[/color]" She paced the room back and forth with the unguarded [i]tink[/i] of her blades, mind running hot. She really didn't want to think about this stuff tonight, damnit. "[color=7ea7d8]If we can find some way to get to the outside of the ship, then you can stick me to the wall and I can run up it to the bridge, find the one responsible for this whole mess—I'd bet on him being up there—and deal with him. Cut the head off the snake, yknow? If I need to hurt people at all, I'd rather hurt as small an amount as possible.[/color]" So then, the questions remained...had she misjudged Kira's powers? Would the smaller woman be capable of sticking Kana to the wall for long enough to get up there? Would she even agree to the plan in the first place? As plans went, it certainly wasn't airtight, there were about a billion things that could go wrong, and if any of them did, it spelled disaster for them and everyone on board. Kana sighed as she tied her long dark hair up into a tight bun, pinning it with a needle-sharp hairpin that could be used as a shiv if the situation called for it, then smiled lamely at Kira as her companion searched the pockets of the people that had been sent to flush them out of their rooms. "[color=7ea7d8]At least, that's the best I can come up with on short notice. If you've got any better ideas, I sure would like to hear them.[/color]"