[b]Tristan and Constance[/b] The lady Sauvage grimaces noticeably in response to Tristan, a cold square expression of dismay. "That one is beyond the power we hold here. Ask [i]your[/i] lady of her nature if you wish to know more. Certainly, we would welcome it if she received her just punishment, but it may be that such is not reserved for our time." She turns then, to Constance, and for the first time there is compassion in her eyes. "As to you, lady Constance, we are honored by your presence and hold you blameless in the events of the summer that called us all hence. Your judgment was true, and if at the end your efforts are inadequate, we grant you the freedom to be at whatever place you deem most appropriate at the time." She looks to the both of you. "I will take any questions that you may have for me at this audience, but know now that you have my gratitude for your aid, and that of my retainers as well. When you are ready, Sir Harold will show you to your rooms." She gestures to the stocky blond man, who offers you the most jovial smile of anyone you've seen in the castle thus far by a wide mile. [b]Robena[/b] The young woman smiles when you greet the dogs fondly, though the taller woman scowls at the familiarity you've shown. Perhaps she keeps the dogs? At the least, the hounds themselves have determined that you, with a free hand for tummy rubs, are deserving of the highest honors, which they shower with through repeated licks and happy barks, quite nearly tumbling you over in their fervor. Lady Sauvage, for her part, awaits your finish with an air of calm patience, sitting upon her horse for all the world like a statue of a lordly knight. When you do offer your answer and your introduction, she gives the faintest hint of a nod. "Very well then, Robena Coilleghille. Please take the lead. The villain has surely gone to ground, so we must drive it out and set the dogs upon the scent."