[hider= Nathaniel Penn - Communicator of Thunderbird] [centre][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1mwcaZ7yV1rsaovso1_r1_500.jpg[/img][/centre] [centre][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/gangue-ouais-font/][img][/img][/url][/centre] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][ BASICS ][/color][/h2][hr][/centre] [color=ffffff][centre][b][ NAME ][/b] Nathaniel Penn[/centre] [centre][b][ AGE ][/b] 21[/centre] [centre][b][ GENDER ][/b] Male[/centre] [centre][b][ COMMUNICATOR OF ][/b] Thunderbird[/centre] [centre][b][ MYTHOLOGY OF (YOUR GOD) ][/b] Thunderbird is found across North America but he is closest to the Northwest Coast his home is in the Olympic Mountains under a glacier and his worst enemy is the monsters in the deep. Thunderbird brings the lightning and the thunder. He is the strongest of the gods and fights the monsters others cannot or will not. When people are in need he feeds his people from the sea. Thunderbird values his privacy.[/centre][/color] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][ APPEARANCE ][/color][/h2][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ PHYSIQUE ][/B][/color] Nate is tall, rangy and muscular. He was a former full-contact fighter, avid outdoorsman, and martial arts teacher. He has no spare flesh and moves with a quiet grace. Nate has broad shoulders, a deep chest and long strong limbs, any man or woman that sees him will give him more than a single glance. [/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ HEIGHT / WEIGHT ][/B][/color] Six foot, six inches/ 300lbs of muscle, Black hair, electric blue eyes[/centre] [centre][hr][h2][color=ffffff][ PERSONALITY ][/color][/h2][hr][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION ][/B][/color] Nathaniel is a kind decent soul and very concerned about doing what is right. He is empathetic and gentle wishing no one undue harm, (and few that might actually do with some harm). He is easily embarrassed for others in social awkward situations and tries to make others feel at ease with gentle humor and kindness. Nathan is also very humble and modest believing that anyone who had his skills would do the same as he does. Far from believing he is anything special, he thinks he has been honored too much by Thunderbird. He has a strong sense of responsibility and duty. He understands the negative motivations that can move someone to disaster and is wary of them. He knows that anger, frustration, and shame may lead to because he's been down that path himself. Nathan is deeply religious by nature, both as a practicing Catholic, a member of the Shaker church, and a sweat lodge. He sees no contradiction in his spiritual life. Nathaniel is naturally artistic and enjoys working with wood and leather. His carving have fetched thousands of dollars however, he puts most into the tribal museum and the money goes to fund the school. His style mixes traditional NW carving with Asian traditions to produce an amalgam all his own. As a work of love, Nathaniel has carved an entirely lifelike and deeply moving crucifix to go up over the village's Shaker church's altar. It is one of a kind. Nathan has a strong quirky sense of humor and while he is willing to laugh at himself, he rarely laughs [i]at[/i] others. He is a naturally happy person who enjoys others' sense of fun. Typically, he has an infectious smile on his face and good humor in his eyes. Nathan knows that he is at risk of substance abuse both genetically and from his life history, he is wary of alcohol, 'Fine for hoquats but not for us', is his attitude. He dislikes marijuana as he believes it leads to laziness and poor life choices. He despises hard drugs in all forms and has little tolerance for those who sell them. By nature he is friendly, however he is very embarrassed by his differences right down to his scent. While most people smell like a favorite soap, perfume or cologne, Nate smells like cut cedar, wood smoke, smoked fish, and the salty waters of the harbor. His speech while sincere and well meant is accented and he often mispronounces a word according to standard American English. This makes him reluctant to speak to groups he does not know well. Despite all that Nathan has a charm and charisma based on his quiet confidence he learned growing up. Nathan's good looks and charisma can lead him astray especially where attractive women are concerned. When it comes to conflict Nathaniel is determined, dedicated, and committed to doing what needs to be done. As a police officer he has learned how to best sooth others and lead people into doing what is needed. [/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ LIKES / DISLIKES ][/B][/color] Likes: Nathan likes his family and friends, loves spending time outdoors, practicing martial arts and spending time with his son. His favorite food is seal dipped in hot whale fat, herring eggs mixed with whipped berries, and chocolate. Knowing his low tolerance for alcohol, Nate always drinks coffee instead. He loves playing basketball with friends and swimming or surfing the beach. He loves carving and teaching the same. He always volunteers to work the 'bone games' (Native American gambling game that can last days) whenever his tribe hosts them. Dislikes: Speaking to a crowd (he's embarrassed by his 'res' accent), men who bully women and children, and cities. Nathan hates driving in cities. Nathan finds vegan and soy food to be an abomination. He hates heavy drugs and dislikes the effects on his friends and family. He loves dairy but like many Native Americans is lactose intolerant. The love with dairy is not mutual. [/centre] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][hr][ BIOGRAPHY ][hr][/color][/h2][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ Place of Origin ][/B][/color] Mora, Washington State[/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ BIO ][/B][/color][/centre] [centre]Nathaniel is the youngest child of the last of the Whalers. His family clan is the Thunderbird. His oldest brother was nearly eighty years older than Nathan. His father was a whaler that hunted from a dugout canoe that could spend days or weeks at sea. Nathan grew up on a small reservation on the Washington coast. His family had been whalers for centuries. Nathan's father died when he was very young, (and his father very old) and he had little guidance in his life. Nathan's mother was an alcoholic and frequently left Nathan on his own. By the time Nathaniel was eleven he was driving his drunken or passed out mother home in his younger uncle's borrowed car. Nathan saw the ugliness that alcohol could bring out in people. He was used to being on his own and while he had many 'aunties' (a common term of courtesy, affection and respect) he was determined to cover up his mother's deficiencies. Nathan often went hungry at night as his mother had sold their food aid, 'commodities' for drug or alcohol money. During the day he was fed by the school both lunch and breakfast even during the school holidays. The reservation had no broadcast tv, no cable, no internet, and not even a cell tower until Nathaniel was in high school. He grew up playing games outdoors, hunting, fishing, trapping, and exploring the rainforest out his back door. To earn spending money, Nate would help guys fishing the river a dangerous and thankless task but traditional for his people. Books were his constant companion, he always had a kerosene lantern for those nights the wind would blow down the powerlines. The tribe never collected the utilities due even though it was [i]de minimis,[/i] less than thirty dollars a month, his mother never paid it. The money she received (and she received significant amounts of 'Indian Money' (as her per capita money she received was typically referred to by tribal members), she never had enough to actually pay any bills. Nathan grew up big strong and slowly became resentful. Resentful of his life, his perceived lack of opportunity and his abandonment by his mother. He was very athletic and intelligent but lacked direction. He was man-high by the time he was thirteen, he had a couple of years of varsity wrestling and more than a little boxing under his belt. Nathaniel excelled at those combat sports as well as less structured forms of combat. Nathan had discovered the existential joys of kicking ass. He liked fighting men bigger and stronger than him at the drop of a hat and if no one else would drop the hat, he would. While he was only thirteen, he was six feet tall and a hundred and seventy pounds. Nathaniel found all the embarrassment, anger, and resentment went out the window when he was scrapping. He mean as a cat on speed and twice as fast. He wound up putting two men into the emergency room in one weekend. None of the men would admit to who they fought as Nathaniel was a kid, and despite his size still looked like one, he didn't even have peach fuzz. Nathaniel was sent to the State juvenile facility and was almost immediately returned to the tribe. As a juvenile a tribal member could be held by the state. A juvenile that needed to be housed in an adult facility could not be held by the state. His tribe had no where to put him, no services they could offer, and nobody to care for him. The tribal council and the social services hashed it out for most of an afternoon and Larry Jefferson, a member of the council sat quietly for most of it. When he offered to take Nathaniel in as a foster child, the others jumped at the chance before he could come to his senses. Larry was a Vietnam vet was six inches shorter than Nathaniel's six feet and growing frame and weighed maybe a hundred and fifty pounds. Larry was also expert at Shorin Ryu karate and kobujutsu. It took less than three days for Nathan to try to assert his dominance over Larry. Larry showed him why a well trained and experienced fighter, would often prevail against a talented amateur. Once it was established that Nathan could not overpower Larry as he had the other men who were willing to fight a thirteen year old boy no matter how big and strong and that bruises and a bruised ego could heal, they settled into something like a normal life. Larry showed Nathaniel how to calm his spirit, channel his energies and taught him the things a father should. By the time he was sixteen, Nathan had turned his life around. He was fighting still but in organized full-contact tournaments in the men's division. He was head of his class in high school and taught woodcarving twice a week at the school. Nathan also was a father. At sixteen this was hardly a planned event for either the mother or the father but both were willing to do what was needed to raise their son and they had family to help. By the time Nathaniel was eighteen the tribal police made him a cadet and at twenty one he entered the Federal Police academy and graduated top of his class. Nathan was a favorite son of his tribe, a valued member of his community and had a reputation as a great guy and someone you could trust. He had his own home and his son Ray split his time between both parents equally. Although, since they lived a stones throw away, (literally) there really wasn't many days that little Ray didn't spend with both parents. They always tried to eat at least one meal as a family and did all holidays together. Nathaniel was being groomed as chief of police and perhaps Chief of the Tribe. He was last of the Thunderbird clan and liked by all. His only difficulty was public speaking, he is painfully aware of his reservation accent and when speaking to unfamiliar people he tends to mumble, unless he's in uniform, then he speaks as loudly as necessary. He is a master of Shorin Ryu Karate and Kobujutsu weapons. He is also an excellent swimmer, outdoorsman, tracker, and woodcarver. Nathan met the man who would change his life one stormy day in February. The wind was blowing well over sixty miles an hour with gusts up to ninety. He was securing the streets of his little village, watching for trees falling, wires down or other dangers when he saw a boat tip over in the harbor. Somebody had an old fashioned canoe out on the waters. The ocean had come over the bar and was only a few feet below flood level. Nathan did not hesitate longer than it took to radio it in, then he dived into the choppy water. He swam to the canoe like a seal and after a minute or so found his target more by chance than anything else. Nathan swam to shore and was about to begin resuscitation when to his shock the man spoke. He told Nathan he was now more than a man and more than just a father, he was now a protector against the creatures that lurked in the darkness. [/centre] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][hr][ POWERS ][hr][/color][/h2][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ RELICS / FAMILIARS ][/B][/color] The day after meeting the drowning man, Nathan found a paddle he had carved to practice Kobujutsu with a native flare had changed. It felt stronger, lighter and quicker in his hands and left a disconcerting trail of electrical arcs when he spun it too fast. A beaded belt that tells the story of Thunderbird. The belt changes when no one is looking at it and a different part of the thousands of years of history is displayed but no one can say for certain whether they have seen it before or simply forgotten and it always looked like that. What if any powers the belt has is unknown. [/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color][/centre] [centre] Flight: Nathaniel can manifest black, red, and white wings. He can fly with them at speeds that rival an attack helicopter for a half an hour to an hour and it takes a rough toll on the young man as man is not meant to fly even with wings. The quicker he flies the quicker he is fatigued and the more damage he does to his system. It probably won't kill him, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and all that, at least that what Nathan tells himself. When he can no longer fly they fade away and if he is in the air he glides to the ground. Superhuman agility: Nathan is fast, his reflexes allow him to dodge bullets or parry them with his paddle. Heightened Vision: Nathaniel has the keen vision of a bird of prey. He can see More colors than humans and his vision can pick out a trout in the water from a several hundred feet in the air. He can see the currents in the air, see in what would be pitch darkness, and see the invisible and supernatural. This is not always a good things. The things that go bump in the night won't win any beauty contests. [/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ INVOCATION ][/B][/color][/centre] [centre] Father Thunderbird, lord of lightning, protector of the True people, foe to monsters and the dark. Come to me now one wings of thunder. Grant me the strength to do what is need and the resolve to see it through. Have mercy on your children and protect us as old![/centre] [centre][hider=Thunderbird][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4b/a6/02/4ba602b78543b28f915c301143e9c195.png[/img] Thunderbird comes on like a bird made of cloud, chaos and lightning and merges with Nate. This always triggers his wings, voluntarily or not. His eyes shine with coiling electricity and two coiling balls of silver-blue lightning sit at the center of the wings. When he flaps his wings, thunder crashes (which can be rather destructive indoors even without the accompanying lightning. Nathan's skin changes as well turning into a red, black, and white stylized native pattern. Nathaniel looks like an anthropomorphized Thunderbird come to life. While he is usually visible he is wreathed in clouds and lightning plays about the edges. His eyes are portals to a place of raw force and power. Thunderbird can summon Nathaniel's paddle if he wishes. The paddle is designed as a weapon and in his hands it is quite effective. When he is the Thunderbird, his voice has the authority of an elder god, and can crash like thunder. This will startle anyone. If Thunderbird is angry, it will deafen those close, shatter glass and rattle anything not nailed down. Most freeze in shock at hearing it. His strength and durability become much stronger. Thunderbird is the strongest of his pantheon. He can guide or produce lightning and calm or whip up a storm in seconds. Thunderbird can ride the lightning in a split second essentially teleporting himself and can with effort do the same for others. This is usually suboptimal as it causes more than a bit of a shock and greatly drains his power. Weaknesses: Thunderbird becomes furious at the sight of monsters. Even the mention of his ancient enemies is enough to set off a rather spectacular rage. If Thunderbird figures he's finished he will return to his perch high in the Olympic Mountains under a glacier. The ice cave is on no maps and near no trails. Nathan has had to walk back twice this way. Fortunately, Nathan is an avid outdoorsman and survive in the wild. Nathaniel is worn out after invoking Thunderbird and his normally short hair has grown into a shoulder length mass with a topknot in a ponytail. Nathaniel's body takes great strain from the change and he is in pain afterward from head to toe, (not that he would ever admit to it). It is possible Thunderbird could fatally overtax his vessel but he has not done so yet. [/hider][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ OTHER INTERESTS/SKILLS ][/B][/color] Nathaniel loves hunting and fishing, boating, trapping, and surfing. He is a deadeye with both firearms and spears and bows. He can throw his paddle with deadly effect. He plays basketball with his friends but keeps his abilities under wraps. He spends much of his free time with his son and it is his greatest joy. Nate still practices martial arts daily and has become a master of the paddle/oar as a weapon. Growing up without a tv or video games, Nathan is an avid reader and studies Northwest Indian lore obsessively to discover what he can of the enemy. He is also working to get a law degree, in his spare time (ha, ha) so that he may better serve his people. He enjoys carving and art and can be found working on pieces when he can find the time. [/centre] [centre][h2][color=ffffff][hr][ MISC. ][hr][/color][/h2][/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ BIRTHDAY / SIGN ][/B][/color] July 3, Cancer[/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ FAVORITES / LEAST FAVORITES ][/B][/color] Favorites are the Cleveland Indians, Good books, and good food. Least favorites are domestic cases, cities, tourists (although he is always unfailingly polite) and out of town surfers (they tend to bring drugs, alcohol, and trouble all of which Mora has in abundance). [/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ SEXUAL PREFERENCE ][/B][/color] Straight[/centre] [centre][color=ffffff][B][ MUSIC/MOVIE/BOOK/GAME TYPE ][/B][/color] Nathan likes Red River, Country, Country rock especially Lynyrd Skynyrd. His favorite movies are the Lord of the Rings series. He watches them with his son at least once a month or so. His favorite book is West of Honor by Gerry Pournelle. His favorite game is basketball but he enjoys chess and will play with anyone who drops by the police station. [/centre] [/hider]