[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210311/ee8d91c66c7d7b904c8f7c1a606365cc.png[/img] [hider=Mentions][@Eviledd1984][@Romero][/hider] [color=gray]"[b][color=7ea7d8]Didn't offer you one.[/color][/b]" Was his graceless response to Benjamin, he struck a match in the darkness with trembling hands and briefly illuminated his face in amber. A youthful face with too-sharp features could be made out behind a pale blue mask detailed with black. He cleared his throat, tried again, as if realizing that response could come off as rude. He looked up, considered Benjamin across from him in the way a prey animal may consider a predator, he couldn't help that he was [i]twitchy[/i] by nature. The whole debacle in the alley had done little to ease his nerves for the night. "[b][color=7ea7d8]Sorry. I hope it doesn't bother you if uh- other people smoke. Chances are, I won't be stopping.[/color][/b]" His dark brown eyes didn't once look up again from that point on, instead he stayed intent on the task at hand. After he lit the cigarette, he snuffed the match against the pad of his thumb and stuffed the cigarette into his mouth. It was maybe two long inhales of smoke before he spoke again, pale tendrils curled into the night. "[b][color=7ea7d8]Mister Blue, if you will,[/color][/b]" was what he offered in way of a name to the young lady. "[b][color=7ea7d8]I'm not one for mystery, really, but uh-[/color][/b]" He offered an awkward smile before taking another drag on the cigarette. He seemed to really be sucking that smoke down for dear life. "[b][color=7ea7d8]Mister Blue suits me as well as anything.[/color][/b]" Another exhale, more like a sigh this time. He seemed to be calming down with each pull on the cigarette, his hands were certainly shaking a bit less. "[b][color=7ea7d8]Yes, I mean-[/color][/b]" He cleared his throat, coughed once into his hand and nodded to Benjamin. "[b][color=7ea7d8][i]Yes[/i], I'm going to Wilde Hall. Rather unsporting to ignore an invitation, isn't it?[/color][/b]" This sounded a bit like a joke, like he found a dry humor in it that he couldn't quite shake. "[b][color=7ea7d8]S'pose we're all a bit late, aren't we?[/color][/b]" [/color] [/center]