[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210426/01e7d2cc76b6214a983db3cc667ce0e0.png[/img][/url] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BlueNiftyBeetle-small.gif[/img] [color=FFC6AA]____________________________________________________[/color] [color=A0D574]____________________________________________________[/color][/center] [color=lightgray][indent][indent][indent] Getting out of her vehicle, Serena picked up her newly acquired bottle of Grey Goose from the passenger seat and tucked it into her purse. Did she care that the bottle of vodka was sticking halfway out of her purse? Fuck no. Walking into the diner, Serena watched the scene in front of her with a bored expression as she waited on her cousin's guaranteed-to-be-over-excited greeting. Heels clicking as she walked, Serena moved to stand beside Erin and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Turning to watch as Lanie walked away, the young woman sighed. [color=FFC6AA]”Tragic,”[/color] she said, rolling her eyes and turning back to face her cousin. Her voice had been just loud enough to make sure that Lanie could hear her as she was walking out the door. [color=FFC6AA]”Imagine being so insecure over - ”[/color] her eyes glanced over to Roddy [color=FFC6AA]”that.”[/color] Embracing her other half with an overly bright smile on her face, Erin scoffed and rolled her eyes in return. [color=A0D574]”As if he’s the one of them I’d choose to bang,”[/color] she sighed, already beginning to walk over to her and Serena’s favorite booth in the back right corner. Serena laughed one silent laugh. [color=FFC6AA]”You have always had a thing for milfs.”[/color] Sitting down, the girls took their respective sides of the booth; Erin on the right, Serena on the left. Putting her purse into the seat next to her, Serena passed a menu to Erin before picking up one for herself. Nothing had changed. [color=A0D574]”So!”[/color] Erin said cheerfully. [color=A0D574]”What’s been up in your mysterious world.”[/color] [color=FFC6AA]”Nothing much,”[/color] Serena responded, still looking at her menu. [color=FFC6AA]”Finding love in all of the wrong places, making bad decisions, being hot - you know, my usual.”[/color] At that time, the waitress walked over to greet herself. She looked around high school age, with dark hair and eyes. She seemed sweet enough. [color=A0D574]”I’ll have a short stack of strawberry pancakes, a side of sausage, and a cup of apple juice, please,”[/color] Erin told the waiter, somehow [i]still[/i] smiling. [color=FFC6AA]”A short stack of blueberry pancakes for me,”[/color] Serena followed up. [color=FFC6AA]”Side of bacon. Cup of orange juice, and an extra cup on the side.”[/color] [color=FFC6AA]”Thanks!”[/color] With the waiter gone, Erin was planning on bugging her cousin about her latest adventures, but wound up checking her phone for the new message that had just came through seconds before. It was from her mother, Jasper. Her eyes scanning the paragraph, Erin’s facial expression went from bubbly and excited to worried and confused. Screwing the top back on her vodka, Serena looked up at the blonde. [color=FFC6AA]”What is it, love?”[/color] [color=A0D574]”Serena…. I--”[/color] Just then the waitress walked back over, obviously nervous. “Excuse me, ma’am, but I just watched you make yourself an alc---” Holding up a single finger, Serena silenced the younger girl and handed her a hundred dollar bill from her pocket. [color=FFC6AA]”Listen. We both know you don’t get paid enough to care about or deal with this shit, right, sugar?”[/color] Letting her flirtatious nature peak through ever so slightly, Serena smirked. [color=FFC6AA]”Now. Do me a favor and go tell the manager that if they have any issues, they should come talk to me face to face and stop using you as the messenger, okay?”[/color] Both confused and shocked, the waiter simply nodded her head and walked back to the kitchen. [color=FFC6AA]”Now. What were you saying?”[/color] [color=A0D574]”We need to talk.”[/color] [color=FFC6AA]”About?”[/color] she retorted. [color=A0D574]”Uncle Ty and Auntie Junie and mom and dad and basically the whole family have been keeping something from you because we’ve been worried and --”[/color] Clearly beginning to become angry, Serena glared at Erin. [color=FFC6AA]”Wha --?!”[/color] [color=A0D574]”Nope! My turn! Hush!”[/color] Taking a drink of her makeshift screwdriver, Serena still continued to glare at her cousin. Erin was the only one that Serena would listen to besides her mother, Junie, and she knew it. [color=A0D574]”We’ve been getting… letters. All of us. You… me… the boys… Mom’s been talking to some of the other parents and so have some of the other kids we went to school with. I… I don’t think it’s an accident. And the letters…. They…. Rena…. They have to do with the shooting - with Charlie.”[/color] Her blood turning ice cold, Serena kept her mouth shut as a nervous Erin tried to find the right words to use. [color=A0D574]”According to mom, the letters say to meet at the old high school at eight.”[/color] [color=FFC6AA]”Tonight?”[/color] Erin nodded her head. Pulling her bottle of vodka from her purse, Serena placed it on the table between them. [color=FFC6AA]”Looks like we’re both going to need this. Are you… do you want to go tonight?”[/color] [color=A0D574]”Neal and Damon are. They want to get to the bottom of it.”[/color] [color=FFC6AA]”Fuck!”[/color] Rolling her eyes once more, Serena took a gulp from the bottle. [color=A0D574]”You… keep drinking that. I think I might need to drive.”[/color] [color=FFC6AA]”Good idea.”[/color] Exchanging the liquor for pancakes, Serena ripped a piece of one off before shoving it into her mouth. After a few moments of awkward silence, she asked a question she already knew the answer too. [color=FFC6AA]”So we’re going?”[/color] [color=A0D574]”Yep.”[/color] [color=FFC6AA]”Fuck.”[/color] [color=A0D574]”Yep again.”[/color] Deciding that she needed to do some digging, Serena finally messaged Mei back. [i][color=FFC6AA]’You know anything about these letters?[/color][/i] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]