With the two plasma throwers firing into the air, some of the creatures were outright incinerated, while many were kept at bay. Some were getting around the cloud of plasma with only minor burns, but they at least came in more manageable numbers than an entire swarm. Mar swapped her particle cannon to its faster firing mode to try and deal with as many as she could. Despite the speed of the creatures, she was still deadly accurate. The particle beams from her rifle traveled at near light speed, so she merely needed to point and shoot. She could cover at least one angle herself, though that still left plenty swarming around the cloud of plasma. For this kind of threat, Vreta found the plasma throwers to be a good idea. He swapped his rifle to that same mode as well. While Mar covered one angle, Vreta picked another to immolate. These creatures were not made of stone, so they could be incinerated just as well as one would expect. Still, that did not stop some from reaching them. Agent 595, on her part, seemed intent on killing them with her hands, at least at first. Vreta was surprised at first at the blinding glow from behind him. It was over in just a moment, but from what he gathered, 595 had some kind of electricity-based weapon integrated into her armor. He had not expected it, but it was pretty much the perfect sort of weapon for this situation. It gave them the space they needed to move, in any case. “Let’s go! We just need to get beyond the jamming field, then we can use a transit station.” [hr] “It’s not worth dying over! If we don’t evacuate now, that ‘key’ will end up buried with you!” Nirann argued. He did what he could to keep the rig stable, but the limited power restricted his options. He did not have the power left to use the rig’s transit capabilities on everyone, but he did have one idea in mind. While Freyr was distracted, he rushed out to the adjacent storage room. Marae, meanwhile, did not hesitate to make the call to evacuate over their team-wide comms. “Everyone, find your nearest transit station and use it immediately! And I mean [i]everyone[/i], soldiers included.” It only took Nirann a moment to return holding one of the mobile transit stations under his arm. He said nothing to Freyr to call attention to it and instead simply started to deploy it in the center of the room without a word. With just a touch of his hand to the top, three sensors shot out from its rounded edges. They were suspended by anti-grav fields at first, until they attached themselves to the floor at three points, which encompassed most of the space in the small room. The sensors could scan in a triangular area between them as accurately as the physical platform of the larger version. It could not handle large objects, but it would be more than enough for a few individuals.