There’s a small debriefing following the operation upon return to the academy, both for each girls’ individual test and the attack afterward. It consists mostly of checking to make sure their wounds aren’t too grievous, along with a short medical examination and psychological evaluation. More of what they’ve come to expect so far, though the process is at least less invasive than their previous examinations. The interview concludes the same way for each student; A handshake from each of the senior faculty, and these words: “Congratulations cadet. Today you are an Ars Magi.” [center][img][/img] [b]𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚊 𝙻𝚞𝚡 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢 [/b] [b]𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟷𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟷𝟽 𝙰𝚅[/b] [b]𝟽:𝟹𝟶 𝙿𝙼[/b] [i]Dana Noel, Penny Grenoble, Nicole Cognoscenti, Diana Khay Vanna, Astrelle Lennox[/i] [hr][/center] After dinner the common room is buzzing with energy, a dozen newly minted Ars Magi swapping stories of their transformations and the events of the day. By now a few of those faces are familiar; Priya, Amanda, Cara, a handful of others. Some of the girls bear new wounds, all carefully bandaged up. There’s no grievous injuries on display, but anyone seriously hurt is still in the infirmary. The main topic of discussion this evening seems to surrounds the appearance of the higher-powered Voids in the testing ground. Apparently there was more than one incident over the course of the day: “It was, like, this huge thing, with a dozen arms.” Priya is describing excitedly at one of the tables scattered around the room, going into details about her groups encounter. “That’s not supposed to happen, is it?” Asks one of the cadets. “We didn’t see anything like that.” Another replies. “Do you think they let the big ones in on purpose?” A third asks. The sound of chatter echoes down the hallways of the dorms, stories and gossip frantically passed before lights-out comes in a couple hours.