[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LAVKGXc_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210419/b20e29e2aece398f677b72adcb18d2b2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Lounge, Sanctuary [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Casper, Zachary, Devan, Kassandra, Alisa [hr] [Color=silver]"More talent? Isn't he just speaking what he wants backward?"[/color] Viktor raised his right eyebrow at Devan's last comment. [Color=silver]"Maybe it's just me…"[/color] He looked at Casper. [Color=silver]"...but facing a challenge is much more impressive. Even when you fail some."[/color] He addressed the last bit to Casper, commenting on his failure to fly. His eyes peered up towards the playing YouTube video before looking at the two that had arrived in the lounge. [Color=silver][i]Almost everyone who arrived here before me.[/i][/color] Viktor was a bit impressed with himself. [color=orange]“Um. H-hey. I’m… I’m Kassandra. You can call me Kassy if you like. Or Kass. Or hey you. Whatever is fine.”[/color] Kassandra's timid tone made it hard to hear her introduction, but fortunately, Viktor tuned out the television. His focus now on the newcomers. He had already judged Kassandra as another who would be easy to spar with socially and so, he spoke up. Besides, he was one of the newest arrivals. [Color=silver]"Hey you?"[/color] He questioned with a puzzled look on his face. He wondered why anyone would want to be referred to as that. He stood up from the sofa and walked in her direction. [Color=silver]"Kass will do fine. Two syllables shorter."[/color] He walked right by her as he entered the kitchen. [Color=silver]"Actually… I will stick with 'Kassandra.'"[/color] He simply did not want to cause any confusion and miscommunication between her and Casper. Communication was key in the building of relationships... At least it was what he read. Going to the refrigerator, he opened it to inspect its contents. Though he wasn't making eye contact, he continued to speak. [Color=silver]"My name is Viktor, but out [I]there[/i], I just go by Rain."[/color] He nearly repeated what he had told Casper and Devan just moments earlier to both Kassandra and Alisa while [Color=silver]"Nice to meet you."[/color] Rinse and repeat. This was easier than he thought. [Color=silver][i]Sandwich meat… cheese… juice… soda… milk… pickles… eggs… butter… coffee grounds…[/i][/color] He simply browsed the refrigerator, but he kept his ears perked to listen to the others.