[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pVvL678.png[/img][/center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QBxiWgb.gif[/img] [indent][indent][indent]Hana wasn't aware the lights had gone out when they did. She had her earbuds in, [url=https://youtu.be/yAQehZR2yyU]rocking out[/url] in her usual fashion dancing atop her bed with her eyes squeezed shut. Her hand was clenched into a fist, and she belted into it like it was a microphone. Her voice was more tuneless than usual. Then the guitar kicked on. She opened her eyes to darkness. It was immediately disorienting, and she stumbled forward. Her foot caught on the edge of the bed and she went catapulting through the pitch. Her shoulder collided with something—bed, dresser, or dead body—and that sent her careening into something else—bed, dress, or yet another dead body. Her chin caught it and pain lanced up her jaw and down through her teeth. She was assured she’d just chomped down on her lip since all she could taste were pennies. [color=#6b8a72][b]“Are you fucking kidding me! I thought the Luthors were fucking rich. Printing cash as easily as they took their golden shits.”[/b][/color] Hana felt around for solid ground and pushed herself up—colliding the back of her head against something. It reminded her of growing up, and not having enough money to pay the electric bill. Food was important amid five boys and one Hana. Her mother would grab the massive batteries out of the freezer and stick them into the old, electric lanterns. They’d flicker on, giving everything a haunting sepia light. Hana conjured that imagery in her head, not wanting to play human wrecking ball anymore. The ring crackled with life, always feeling like she was touching her tongue against an active fuse. Green light poured into the room, and Hana saw that she had hit the dresser—twice. She punched it, her knuckles smarting against the hard surface. She felt better, though. The eerie green light filtered through the room, not looking like it was emanating from lanterns. Instead, a round, fluorescent disco ball hung from the middle of the ceiling. [color=#6b8a72][b]“I guess that works,”[/b][/color] she grumbled, pulling herself fully erect. She felt like she at her junior prom the way the thing glowed. Everyone doing the awkward penguin waddle and barely giving Jesus enough room between them. Brick, her ex-boyfriend, had poured Gem Clear into the punch bowl while staring down the teachers. As if the city paid them enough to give a shit. They probably had all been packing flasks. Now, though, she was alone in what looked like the set of a manic-pixie-dream-girl's quirky bedroom. Hana flopped, face first, on her bed. After porcine-like wallowing in her comforter, she leaned over and grabbed the tackle box that held her makeup. She needed to cover up her accident, or someone would open their goddamn mouth—and she’d have to goddam shut it. Hana couldn’t wait for the day that she could conjure up glowing green socks in the mouths of the annoying idiots. [color=#6b8a72][i]Oh, wait, not a sock… a condom.[/i][/color] Hana smirked. Sometime later, the lights cracked back on. [color=#6b8a72][i]Maybe Julian electrocuted himself?[/i][/color] Still, she’d fixed her appearance—hiding her split lip with some red lipstick. Much like one couldn’t help but to click tongs, she smacked her lips together. The pain was immediate. [color=#6b8a72][b]“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Nuts. Fuck.”[/b][/color] Cranky and sore, Hana slipped on a black tank with her band’s logo on it. She also wore ripped jeans and calf-high military boots. The metal of her jewelry clacked as she ran a hand through her chin-length green hair which matched her green eyes—and yes, it matched her entire superpower. She wasn’t about to be the Tacky Colored Lantern. Speaking of which, Hana spiked the green energy disco ball. It launched across the room and smashed into the wall in a flicker of light, much like a roman candle burning out. Hana stepped out of her room and the next thing she was cognizant of was Vincent walking away. How far had she gone? Glancing around, she was aware of the corridor. Had she zoned out that hard? The back of her head ached, reminding her of the snooze button consistently being pressed on the alarm of her psyche. She shook her head and walked towards the kitchen, following the voices. She leaned against the entranceway of the area, glancing over Vincent—who had made it record time and already had a beer in hand. [color=#6b8a72][i]Lucky fucker,[/i][/color] she thought, rubbing her head. [color=#6b8a72][b]”What’s up, nerds?”[/b][/color] She looked in Julian’s general direction. [color=#6b8a72][b]“So, what was that about? A penthouse-wide game of Seven Minutes in Heaven?”[/b][/color] Her eyes went to Conor and Eilidh, not that the blind girl could have caught her curious glance. [color=#6b8a72][b]”Speaking of which, where’s Red? It is dinnertime, and [i]mama[/i] needs to get a slice of that fine beef.”[/b][/color] She waggled her eyebrows.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z1iDmUw.png[/img][/center]