Kay let John do the search, knowing that he'd know what to search for a lot more than she would. She couldn't help but lean slightly closer to the desk and computer, whilst also remaining close to John. With the results coming up she didn't think it'd be such a common scenario to happen. "I'm not sure exactly.. Or at least I can't remember if we were ever told, but I last saw her leaving home. We lived in London so I'd presume she would have been last seen somewhere there" she explained. She couldn't imagine her mother having been seen anywhere else in the world as the last words she faintly remembered being told was that she'd be back soon. Her mother didn't plan on dying or going missing, she planned on coming right home to her husband and daughter. For her mother to not have come home to her family, something had to have gone drastically wrong in Kay's eyes. Her mother would never just up and leave her kid, especially when her kid at the time was just nine years old. "I'm gonna get another drink, you want one? Something tells me we'll need it as we'll be here a while" she then said to John, placing the notepad and pen down on the desk in front of her.