[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G9xaVXn.png[/img] [color=000000][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/color] 💀 The Sanctuary. 💀 The Kitchen. [color=000000][u][b]Interactions[/b][/u][/color] 💀 [@Mistress Dizzy] 💀 [@FunnyGuy] [/center] [hr] Stepping aside as Viktor approached the fridge, Casper could consider himself satisfied with claws wrapped around a second serving of soda. He recalled a debate once had in regards to the sugary treat, or more precisely, its container. Was soda from a glass bottle better? Did plastic sully the taste? In truth, the Wraithborn was unsure. He was not refined enough to pinpoint a difference, but with the flask brushing against his lips, the boy enjoyed another sip, all the same. They had been accompanied by yet another soul, this one reserved, and her words confessing to insecurity. Ghostly eyes met the girl, phantasmal white swirls scrutinizing the young aquatic sorceress. This was the illusionist, Kassandra. [i]Kassy with a K.[/i] There was an air of sadness surrounding this Atlantean, an aura that lingered akin to grasping shadows. The third caster, the third mage. She possessed abilities Casper had yet to fully understand. Indeed, illusions were quite common in the realm of phantasms and ghosts, but the complexity of such magic required years of study to truly comprehend. Where did reality end, and where did an illusionist’s web begin? More than once, Casper had found himself entangled in a powerful spirit’s labyrinth of lies. Perhaps Kassandra would be able to weave such powerful images into being one day, as well. [color=FFE4C4]”Kassandra..,”[/color] a ghostly voice echoed softly from Casper’s lips. He had seen Zach’s videos, already. Enough so for Coal to believe that Casper was infatuated with the magician. It was not entirely true, however. What Zach had managed to do was unlock thoughts previously hidden behind a veil of disinterest. What was it like to embrace another being? What did it entail to present one’s own heart to others? It was a scenario the Wraithborn was still struggling with understanding. The dead did not frequent such venues of the emotional spectrum. Longing, sorrow, anger, and fear tended towards center stage. [color=FFE4C4]”[i]’Hey You’[/i] does sound pretty vague..,”[/color] came a soft smirk, sharp teeth revealing themselves as Casper expressed something his apathetic features seldom offered. [color=FFE4C4]”Zatanna told me about you..,”[/color] the Wraithborn continued, [color=FFE4C4]”the [i]’Mirage’[/i].., right..?”[/color] “Oh, now he’s talkative,” Coal cawed, wings flapping before the bird made its way towards Casper’s shoulder. “This is Casper, I’m Coal,” the bird stated, “or you can call him [i]’Hex’[/i] if you feel dramatic,” the avian laughed. “And you still haven’t told us a heroic story, Cassy Boy!” [color=FFE4C4]”I have no heroic stories, Coal..,”[/color] the Wraithborn countered, his eyes turning towards the bird for a brief moment, before another sip of his drink worked to calm his annoyance towards that term. [i]’Heroic’[/i], a staple of the Justice League, and so many other well-to-do actors on the stage of constant conflict. The thought of appearing in the midst of chaos like an angel slowly descending onto a mortal plane, cape flowing in the wind, was so divorced from the Wraithborn’s nature that he’d find himself scoffing at the notion. “Bullshit,” Coal protested, “and you know it!” He cemented the statement. “Tell them the story of The Maw. Go ahead, do it!” Clenching those sharp teeth, Casper shifted his attention towards the ever-amassing group. He was no storyteller, and certainly not one to present his exploits. The Maw was a phantasm, terrifying and menacing. A creature feasting on souls and growing in strength following every meal. It took everything in him for Casper to finally defeat the creature. It was incidentally after this encounter that Zatanna and Constantine had found him. [color=FFE4C4]”Maybe.., another time..,”[/color] Casper lamented, his expression returning to a mellow state. The Maw was a creature of destruction, one that left several casualties in its wake. Several souls Casper was unable to save. Though Coal may have considered the story one of heroic aptitude, Casper saw it as little more than a failure to act quickly enough. “Fine,” the bird shook its head. “So, what about you Kassy with a K?” Coal turned to look at the dark-skinned girl, his attention leaving the pale creature he so enjoyed teasing. “How are ya’ liking this circus, so far?”