[quote=@Stormflyx] [@Deja] [hider=...] Every post so far has such a different energy and Kev's is no different; he might have the fastest shift in pace actually from what I'd read until that point. He's active in the mansion, he's contemplating things that have happened, or things that he wants to happen and that sells his motivation to me super quick. I totally get his vibe as a Gotham boy. I love his routinely meditation, it's such a simple act but makes him feel so human amongst his abilities to be, well, a fireboi. He feels mature as well, like he's seen a bit more of that life shit that you only do as you creep out of your teens and into your twenties. I like the snappy way you write him, not sure if that's deliberate but it's a super clever move imo. Great work, more Kev please. [/hider][/quote] All his snappy bravado and latent maturity is from growing up very into his lifestyle(I had envisioned a single parent household of a very heavy worker/drinker that I realized I failed to write up as his early obsession with martial arts as a way out). [url=https://youtu.be/oq7G24G2ZIM]Sparring[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/aQpZVEjd7RI]Fighting[/url] Now imagine his powers growing more and more as he gets into his prime/his last surgical procedure that made him really super but cost him his career. He also only grew up around tough guys and such, so that should make small talk simpler for my next post. Becoming an unwilling bastion of maturity should be fun for fireboi