[@Hound55] Another great post! I really love Red's attraction to Cece, and how it plays out quite innocently - him just dropping everything to help her when she probably doesn't need it. It's a very disarming trait. Just stuff like this.... [quote]staring at Gabi whilst she was running on the treadmill, and somehow time would pass and he'd hear a gurgling underneath him as Kevin was having trouble putting the bar back up,[/quote] So telling of him as a character, I love it. Matches what you'd put in his CS and I appreciate that playback to the detail in your intro post. I really like your writing, you keep a nice pace and it's just enjoyable to read as is your character. What I'm digging so far about all of these posts, and I think I'm just reiterating on a point I already made but I like how every post is so different from the entry prompt, basically. I really like seeing all of the characters fleshing out :) Speaking of different, [@Natty], I enjoy that you have gone for teasing the conflict with Cece and Gabi -- so far, everyone has been amicable about each other but you haven't been shy to write Gabi's hesitations which is really awesome as a roleplayer that you're doing that. Sometimes it's easier to just write your character getting along *cough* me *cough* but you've kept true to Gabi's personality. I also really liked the colourful imagery around her upbringing and how she related the blackout to Guatemala. Then there's posts that are just so creative, [@Roman]. Loved Vincent's intro! :D The description of the round room and how it annoys Vincent is just *chefs kiss* of characterisation and is (I am repeating this so often, lol) but just telling of his character in a really clever way. It's easy to picture that whole scene and it gets me into his head a little bit and makes me understand him that tiny bit more, which I love. Really love your writing, and the humour in it. I think in your sheet that you said you've written Vincent as a way to practice just letting go a bit (or something along those lines) and I think you've done an awesome job at that, I am seriously looking forward to another post of Vincent. Also, did he really exit the fridge? Another one of those "oh my glob hawhaw" moments. [@Tackytaff] good bean supreme Selene <3 love her. It's so sweet that's she leaning into family comforts in her new home at the penthouse. I really like her unpacking things carefully and contemplating things, it gives a really sincere insight into her - she seems very sentimental and I love that. Also, I laughed when she blew out the power with it hahahaha. Lovely stuff, looking forward to more <3 Oh lord, best believe I screamed at [@psych0pomp]'s last few lines. Look, every roleplay needs a character like Hana - who has no filter, who just says what she's thinking and says it proud. I love that about Hana and I love that about you for just writing it and being 110% true to her wild personality. Even the way that you describe penguin waddles and barely giving Jesus room just [i]feels[/i] so much like Hana, you've injected her into the prose of your posts even and it's so bold and standout. Seriously, oh my god I need more posts, these have all been [b]fantastic[/b] so far. (also hoping this isn't obnoxious of me, I just have a habit of digesting posts in OOC haha)