Kevin hadn't stopped his journey into the gallery on a single-minded mission even as he barked out. Then the fridge came open unexpatantly starling him. Kev swore(or rather sputtered). Nostril's flared in the sight of birds flying however, if even it was instinctual. There was a 'kid' around. Dandy's disharmonious ring bounced in his ears like a jingle as he snuck on by with a graceful sidestep and smirk. He had to teach him what a bro-nod was soon Kev thought as he broadcasted one out to the group that was gathered there. The fact he had to nearly jog to the adjacent counter was enough to indicate what the accommodations could be like. He jerked a cabinet door open on recently greased hinges, a instant bowl in hand, agile hands making the whole ordeal on the backwall quick. He found the microwave with foil wrapped on it's handle, which made him glance back to the druid sheepishly. Before you know it Spitfire was leaning against the counter, staring at his meal warming up. The sounds of the kitchen ebbed as the greetings commenced, though cursing echoed from a hall. The pyro thought about his newest friend Red. How do you misplace someone that big? What few times he'd searched for him it had often been his room. Poor guy, was he lonely or just confused, probably both with what stalked the halls of this place. Kevin did the math visually and sipped his noodled loudly, peeking around the corner of the galley seeing who he could spy. Hayden behind him, was someone Kev had met very recently. Cece, who they were pleading with earnestly, was however someone he'd gotten to know the best by observation. The firestarter had been sticking to the gym and its renovations for the past week and he guaranteed the busy social butterfly was getting her gizmos giddy hamming up her new friends and viewers. It brought back flashy memories of pre fight promotions and walkouts that he'd participated in as a kickboxer. Guess he couldn't be too much of a hypocrite he thought as he slurped down the bowl clutched before him. Most of the super sorority was here, except maybe one of the magic users. He snorted up a tiny fireball as he heard Hana rattle of to warm ears about the meat market they had around. Heck maybe that's where Red was Kevin assumed as he caught Gabi by the window. He raised his eyebrows in a meek greeting considering he'd been caught staring momentarily with a face full of noodles. Whoops. The ceramic tinkled when his fork was barren. He could hear foreign accents behind him again. What could they be talking about? He eased back into the galley towards the sink, passing by the pond on his way. He gave quick glance over to Julian as he began to wash the bowl, another ritual compulsion that seemed to more good than harm for the feisty youth, youth that made him peek back over to Eilidh curiously as he recalled the matching age, then back to his new younger by a margin boss. What had he got himself into?